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Behind the door was an area that gave the idea of a living space. It had wooden walls and floors, a couch sat in front of a TV, a closet, a double bed, a sink and a fridge. There was also a door, behind which was a toilet, an old steel sink and a scum covered shower area.

"Can I see your costume now?" She was jumping up and down impatiently.

"Of course! Cover your eyes and count to fifty." He said with a giggle, heading to the cupboard.

Margaret did as she was told, but left a minor gap between her fore and middle finger. Joker began undressing, giving Margaret a great shock.
The entirety of his skin was the same sickly, pale white, covered with a large quantity of scars and flesh wounds. His chest held the majority of them, consisting of old and new cuts and bruises.

He finished dressing and Margaret had to hold her breath to stop a gasp.
'His outfit...it is...those colours?' She was at thirty-two, and still counting.

Joker watched her, his mind filling with ideas, the things he could do to this unsuspecting girl. Her unbrushed red hair, with odd tips and streaks of white from falling into chemicals, had no shine. It was just passed shoulder length, and by the lack of evenness hidden by the curls, he knew she would have cut it herself. Then he looked at her neck and found small, crescent shaped scars around it.

"Forty-nine, fifty!" Margaret uncovered her eyes, aware that Joker had been watching her.
"You are not going to believe this!" She stated with such excitement, it seemed she would burst into streamers. Her eyes, one green one brown, sparkled like a child's, yet there was something dark about them he couldn't quite place.

"What?" Joker was quite confused, his only idea was that she may have finally recognised him.

"Turn around!" Margaret yelled, her smile so wide, she almost looked like Joker.

He did so reluctantly, though the mirror above the kitchen sink gave her appearance directly to him.
She had quite the body, curvy and slender, yet joker did not find himself aroused by her. Her skin held burn like scars, her knees calloused and worn from years of cleaning floors.

Then he saw something else of interest, the colours of her clothing, they were the same as his; green and purple.

She finished dressing, then studied him from behind. He was quite tall, at least six foot two, and though he had a lean demeanor, there was strength beneath. Then she noticed the mirror, and his face directly in it.
"I guess we are even, ay?" She stated, amused at both their deceptions.

"What do you mean?" Joker walked closer to her, slow and menacing to most, but Margaret just saw a tall man with a big smile, wearing her colours.

"I sneaked a peek, then you sneaked a peek. Even!" She poked her tongue out and giggled.

Joker stared, stunned at this girl's childishness and arrogance. She really had no idea how much danger came with her actions.

She outstretched her hand, "So when do I start?"

He took her hand in his, sure that the buzzer trick was over, he would let her have that one.
"Tomorrow, I have some things I need to sort out, so I need you to fix up the place while I'm gone."

"Okidokey!" She shook his hand once, making the deal official.

"Make yourself at home Toots! I'm hitting the hay." Joker dropped onto the bed like a dead man and did not move again.

"Sweet dreams."
She folded her belongings and sat them in a corner, then sat on the floor and crossed her legs.

'Where do I sleep?'
"On the floor of course, we need permission to sleep anywhere else." She whispered.
'Oh, right. So what is our blanket tonight?'
"Lucky dip? Check that cupboard."
Margaret crawled over to the double door cupboard and opened it. There were about twenty pairs of Joker's outfits hanging up, beneath which was a first aid kit and a metal box.
She stared at the box for a while, debating whether it would be prying. She decided it would be, went back over to her corner and used her jacket as a blanket, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Joker's Janitor                                        (FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now