Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo- Goodbye my Brother, my friend.

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Rhys began to form his plan, but I sat there and said nothing, blocking out conversation.

What the hell is wrong with him? He knows that I hate Jack, I deserve to know!

"-Hope?" I heard Fi's voice.

I hummed.

"You gonna come with us to Scooter's?"

I thought about it... but Gaige-- well evil Gaige was there. I can't deal with that now. After this is all done, I will. But I think Janey deserves an apology.

"Yeah, I suppose." I said lowly.

I looked off into a corner. Well, let's think about this... I can get into Jack's office right?

Maybe I can really find out about my true parentage?

Hmph. Maybe I could blow the whole god damn station up. Hehe, yeah sounds good to me...

I smirked.

I watched Rhys walk away. He gave me a nervous glance.

Just wait until I get to Helios, that shit hole is going to crash and burn.

I chuckled to myself.


We arrived at Hollow Point a little bit later.

"August, watch Gortys." Fiona said.

"I'll miss you!" She spoke. She had a small smile on her face.

"Just hurry up. I don't like being alone with this... thing."

Gortys gasped.

"But I like you so much!"

Fiona shut the door smiling, shaking her head.

I knocked on Scooter's door as Fiona and Sasha spoke.

"Hey, it's my three favorite girls!" Scoot said cheerfully.

"Yeah, hi, excuse me Scoot, gotta get something." I said, walking up to my old 'room'.

"Ooookk.. Well its my two favorite girls now!" I heard him say as I quickly walked up the stairs.

I went to the corner of my room, rummaging through my belongings.

Wrench, nope. I threw it aside. Screw driver, nope. I threw that aside as well. Micro chip containing sensitive information on myself. Ehhh, no.

I found it! Some left over bombs Tiny Tina and I made... hehehe. Thanks Tina. They blow up and fireworks and confetti come out of the explosions. But they are fucking huge explosions.

I giggled maniaclly to myself.

I shoved them in my bag.

I looked down my ledge seeing Fiona and Sasha talking to Janey. Hehehuhuhuuhh. Uh, yeah. Athena, forgot about that.

I jumped down in front of them.

"Tadaaaaa!" I yelled. Janey screamed and slammed a hammer on my head.

"Agh!" I fell down.

"Ow..." I cried.

I clutched my head.

"When were you going to tell me about Athena!?"

"What? Oh uh..."

"Seriously?!" She yelled.


I got up and rubbed my neck.

"She lied to me. Said she was on some delivery run." Janey moved away from the bike. She put her hand on her hips.

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