Episode 2: Atlas Mugged- MAYDAY

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I glared at the Stranger with a burning hatred. Rhys and Fiona were sleeping (also Rhys was drooling all over her so hah.) He turned to me.
"Why aren't you asleep?"
"Hmph, what do you think I'm stupid? Someone needs to watch you so you won't kill us in our sleep. As much as I am angry at Rhys, he doesn't deserve to be killed. So, I'm looking out for him, and Fiona."
He looked at me silently.
"Is there a relationship between the two of you?"
"Well yeah, he's my friend..."
"Not like that, I meant romantically."
My eyes wandered down to the ground. I snorted.
"I don't know. I really don't. I thought that he might actually like me, but now? I don't think so. He probably hates my guts."
The Stranger stood there silent. I looked into the flames.
"But, I don't care if he hates me or not. I still have feelings for him, and that won't ever change."
"I see." He answered.
He then pulled up his shotgun and fired it in the sky.
"Oh how... I'm up, I'm up." Rhys muttered.
"Hey! Seriously can you use your words? You're just wasting bullets with that thing." Fiona shouted.
Rhys and Fiona realized they were sleeping on top of each other so they scooted away from each other quickly. Rhys scooted over next to me.

"Aw come on, you drooled on me!"
I laughed. "Yeah he has a tendancy of doing that." He glared at me before turning to Fiona
"Huh? Oh, yeah that's a...wow, that's a lot. I am feeling a little dehydrated." Fiona spit in his face.
"What is wrong with you?!"
"Oh, damn!" I snorted.
"There. Now we're even."
"You are a monster." Rhys grumbled.
"There, there Rhysie, you'll be okay." I cooed. He groaned.
"Stop!" The strager yelled.
"I'm going to let you out of those restraints. Don't make me regret it... or YOU'LL regret it much more."

Fiona and Rhys gave their agreement while I said nothing. Doesn't it seems suspicious that he trusts us enough to let us out of our restraints? I'm watching you stranger...
He quickly took a knife and began ripping through the duct tape restraints. He came over to me and took off my restraints. I rolled my shoulders and rubbed my eyes, I was tired.
"We've got a long way to go. We should move before the sun's up." He said.
"Where are we going?" I asked
"Uh, can I please hit him once? Just to get it out of my system?" Fiona asked.
"You gotta work on your anger management. All this animosity is not good for-"
"Just one."
SMACK! Rhys keeled over holding his neck.
"Okay. I'm good." My eyes widended. Damn girl.
I walked over to Rhys.
"You punched me in the neck." Rhys weezed.
"You okay, Rhysie?" I patted his back.
"Oh yeah... great, thanks."
"Let's go." The stranger said.

We walked forward.
"Now, where were we?" The stranger asked.
"Well." Fiona said.
Continuing of story
Rhys cried out, sounding like a girl.
"G-gah! What?" Fiona panicked.
"I... uh.. I" He stuttered.
"You're uh.... acting weird, Rhys... wierder than usual." Fiona said.
"Uh Rhys? Rhysie?" I paused for a moment as he looked off into nothing. "Alright, its offical, he went nuts." I said, sighing.
"Rhys is just excited..." Vaughn said trying to help the situation. Rhys walked behind him and looked around.
"He's alright... he... Y'know, just probably needs some air..."
Rhys ran upstairs quickly.
"So, upstairs. Where there's more air.... Cause it's... higher, and.... Hey what's up with that map?" Vaughn said, nervously.
"Computer, enhance!" Sasha yelled.
"Enhance." Fiona said.
"Enhance!" Fiona pointed.
"Enhance computer images!"
Vaughn face palmed.
"Stop it! This is not how computers work! Where are you from? You- you don't just yell "enhance" at the screen." Vaughn said, frustrated.
"Maybe I can bring up a legend on this thing." Sasha said walking forward
"Uh maybe you shoul-" I began to warn.
"Gah!"  She was shocked. Come on, you never touch things that look suspicious! Didn't Felix ever teach you that?
It stopped floating and broke in half.
Vaughn walked over to Sasha, worried.
"I'm fine."

"Great, it's broken." I said, bummed.
"Did you break it?" Vaughn asked kneeling down. Oh I thouht he was worried about Sash. Savage small dude.
Vaughn went to touch it.
"Wait--" I started
"URGH." Vaughn yelped. I facepalmed. I shook my head towards the ground.
"Stupid..." I muttered.
"It's so obvious, Fiona has to grab her piece and Rhys, when he's done being freaking brain dead, has to get his piece." I yelled.
"Oh." Vaughn and Sasha said.
Fiona leaned over and grabbed the smaller piece, WITHOUT being shocked.
Thank God.
"I don't understand..." Fiona said.
"Hey, Fiona- can I call you Fi? Ok cool beans, listen, you are imprinted on the piece. When the voice said 'Reset. Identification required.' It meant that your finger prints are now imprinted on it!" I said, frustrated. It's not hard to understand!
"Well it makes sense, you and Rhys were the only ones it didn't shock. So maybe she's right, it might of imprinted on you." Sasha said.
"Thank you." I said, exasperated.
She nodded.
"Vintage Atlas. Incredible." Vaughn nerded out. Oh he's so adorable.
"Retinal scanner online. Security protocol engaged. Retinal scan required. Please step forward and identify yourself." A voice behind us spoke.

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