BH 9

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~Ray’s Pov~

If I cared what people thought about me, I would of never become a transporter. This was the most fun I had in a while. Derek try as he might he isn’t getting this. Chuckling as my foot hit the gas petal. My new ride brought back the rush I had been missing. In NYC I was more in my car then in my house. It was home for me, I loved it. Feeling all those horses running between my legs, vibrating my insides.

    Gliding to the house, I hit the breaks pushing a dust storm past my car. Getting out I moved into the house, needing a change of clothes. As I grabbed my brown boots and jacket, I sighed feeling the emptiness taking over once again. Walking out tossing the scarf over my shoulder, Dalton walked in. His eyes locked with mine, pushing past the warmth of his gaze I got back into my car.

This wasn’t right, I couldn’t do this.
    Driving down a boring dirt road, before coming to a stop. Cutting the engine and getting out, leaving my door open as I sat on my trunk. Looking over the endless valley below. Just as empty as it, is what I felt. My girls so far away from me, my home and family the same. The kiss I had with Dalton was still weighing heavily on my mind, making me think I could stay and be with him. But at last things don’t always go as we plan, and I couldn’t risk anyone else getting hurt.
    He probably didn’t want me like that anyways. A man of his Adonis probably had woman any way he wanted. Growling at the thought, I shook my head.

    “Stupid Ray, get it out of your head” Frustrated I needed a release. Flipping out my cell looking at the time. 3:34pm. Closing it, sliding it and my hand into my jacket. I sat on the trunk till it grew colder. Jumping down I wanted to party, I needed something to clear my brain. Driving to the bigger town, it would take me a few hours to get there. Hitting the gas, peeling out of the area.
    Two hours I was in the bigger town, peoples heads turned as the new dark green mustang passed them. Parking in a lot I stepped out. Looking around my hair caught the wind, pushing it back behind my ear. Closing the door, locking up. One step then another, urging myself to get a move on. Pulling open a door to a club, it was pretty empty, but music was still bouncing. Sitting at the bar I ordered a drink.

    Two more hours passed as the pain was still holding on strong. Feeling like a wrecking ball was smashing every ouch of willpower I had left. Growling as I downed the last bit of my fourth drink. A few more people started coming in, till at some point I lost track of the time and the place was pumping. Men and woman grinding and drink with one another. Snapping my fingers I ordered another drink, sucking it down I grabbed the bartender.

    “Another” Pushing the one he just made back. He looked at it, then at me. Before I glared, daring him to cut me off. Nodding he started another drink. Taking it turning around, sipping threw the stupid black straw, it was starting to work. That fuzzy happy feeling you get when your give a damn finally breaks. Smiling as I found a man I wanted to dance with. Downing the drink, walking grabbing his ass, he spun around. His dark features sparking my interest. Licking those lush pink lips, his blue eyes reminded me of the ocean.

    Grabbing my body he rocked up and down on me, he was a sucky dancer but his looks made up for it. The Chris Brown song love more came on. Pushing the man away I moved onto the next sucker. Grabbing a cowboy looking man, rolling my ass over his front. His large hands pulling at the fabric of me. Feeling frustrated I moved on again, keeping my options open but never really finding what I really wanted. At some point I was dancing with a girl I didn’t even know.

    Downing shot after shot, returning to the dance floor. Shaking my ass, grinding on so many men. Nothing stopped the heat in me, it was getting teased only to receive no relief. Flipping my cell out, it was now midnight, and I was no where near close to what I needed. I think I may have gone overboard, when I pissed off some chick as I was pretty much making out with her man.
    Whatever he never stopped us. My inner self defended.

    “Bitch that’s my man” Grabbing my arm pulling me off him.
    “Ohh he never said a thing” Grinning, as the many drinks I sucked down fueled me to not fucking care.
    “Who the hell do you think you are?” Pushing me around. I laughed, this was just perfect.
    “Bitch touch me again, and I’ll rip your weave out” Taking a large step forward.

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