BH 3

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Shifting I hit the gas, I needed to get home. My new home. Gramma lived in Montana, a freaking cold ass state in the winter. I had visited her a few times a year, just to make sure she was alright. Now with no where else to go, I was going on less happy terms. Driving threw the night, and into the early morning I hit the boarder. A few feet of snow had yet to melt, as I passed the welcome building. Yawning and feeling empty, I pulled into a gas station. Filled both me and the car up, mine a light cream color with a hint of sugar. While baby girl took the good stuff straight up.

    Pulling out I went threw ideas to get my life back in order, nothing sounded good. The cute small white farm house with bight blue shutters, called to me. Smiling as I pulled into the driveway and saw the small one car garage open. She came out of the house, wrapped in a robe. Looking like she’d been making calls all night long. Opening my door, stepping out her smile made me cry.
    “Its alright Raydance” Hugging me tightly, before grabbing my shoulders.  

    “Now hid her” Pointing to the car. Nodding I backed my baby into the garage. Covering her with a tarp and a few boxes holding Christmas décor. Sighing, I kissed my fingers touching the green paint. Closing the garage letting her sleep. Walking into the house, I sat down at a small round table. Handing me a cup of coffee, I greedily drank the overly hot liquid. As if to save my life, I begged for another one.

    “How long have you been driving?” She asked pouring me another cup.
    “Over 24 hours” Sighing as I take the cup, drinking it a little slower.
    “Oh honey” Shaking her head, making herself a cup. Sitting across from me. Her eyes were soft like always, a deep brown. While her hair had lost a little color, going to a very light brownish. Smile lines were her biggest feature.

    “Sorry gram, I know I messed up.”
    “Not to worry love. Shit happens” Shrugging. God I loved this woman.
    “So lets start at the beginning shall we?”
    “Sure” I let my words fly out, as I told her what happened. She frowned when she heard of the short notice deal.
    “Have you learned nothing?”
    “Yea I know, never take a short notice deal. They only spell trouble.”
    “And what did this get you into?”
    “Trouble” Feeling like a scolded child. Glaring at me over the table, I kept my eyes peeled to my coffee.
    “Alright, enough. Go get some sleep.”

The farm house was a lot smaller then you think it would be. Only sporting two bedrooms, and a bath. The garage had been an add on, along with a smaller house off to the side of the farm. Its where I would be staying. I loved it, I was close enough to gram; but still had my own privacy.
    “Ohh, Raydance.”
    “Yea” Picking up a bag I had.
    “Your going to have to share.”
    “The house, I rented it out”
    “What? To who?” I never heard about this.
    “His name is Dalton. He works off the board for me. Doing odd end jobs”
    “When were you going to tell me about this?” Huffing, as my bag hit my back.
    “Now” Looking like it wasn’t a big thing.
    “Wonderful. Love you to gram” Pushing the screen open. Stepping out into the decently cold weather, I groaned as I already missed NYC. Pulling the front of my leather jacket closer to me, seeing my breath as I pushed open the door to the two bedroom house. It smelled like guy, and dirty clothes.

    “Fucking Fabulous” Growling out. Kicking off my shoes, I dropped my bag on the couch, before turning to the wood stove. Tossing in some woods, I pulled out my match and twisted a few pieces of paper before lighting them. Watching as the dry wood caught, like a gasoline covered car. Closing the door and sighing. The place didn’t change to much, well except for the god awful smell. And the dirty clothes and plied high dishes.

    “Gees what a slob.” Walking over to the dishes. Cleaning all that was there, letting them air dry. I grabbed a large blanket before curling on the couch. Passing out was perfect for me, as I hadn’t slept in well a whole damn day. The heat from he stove pushing closer to me, deepening the sleep. It only felt like minutes when a cold chill, flashed around my body. And the sounds of heavy foot steps, made my mind snap awake. My eyes on the other hand, stayed closed. Slowly my hand slipped into my pocket, pulling out a butterfly knife.

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