Chapter 3:Ty

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Taylor POV

Bae is a normal term that friends use. I tried to justify the situation. I call everyone bae even Chris. Only when he said it I got butterflies. We walked back to my apartment and found Chy and Tiana sleeping in the second bedroom. I went to my room and turned on my TV to see what's on. Chris came in my room and laid down I mean it was a king size bed so we weren't close. We started talking when we found something to watch but instead we watched Netflix cop shows. I admit I thought it was weird a teenage drug dealer prodigy watching law and order, cold case, csi. Chris admitted he got some of his tecniques from watching them. I giggled slightly because Chris has obviously learned nothing from watching these shows.

Chris: Why you laughing?

Me.: You haven't learned much.

Chris: Enlighten me

Me: Well one when you and your boys handle drugs or guns wear gloves. I mean your crew is well known and it would be safe to wear gloves, meaning no prints. Remember prints are what got you guys on the last bust. Second the police know all your spots and their just waiting for you to mess up. Switch up your guys. Move where you do the business so that there's no trace. Stop being so noticeable tell your crew stop with the Instagram and Facebook thing the police are on you. Think smarter. 

Chris Heard every word and I knew it. He looked up at me and said thanks as he kissed my hand like a real gentleman. Then said thanks.

The next day I woke up at 6 Idk why so early but I knew I had a lot to do, when I looked over my shoulder Chris was snuggles up next to me. I slowly moved away. I grabbed some clothes from my closet set aside clothes for TIana and Chyna on the couch and took a shower. I got dressed and woke up Tiana a Chyna they had on pajamas so I know they took a shower last night. While they were getting dressed I made eggs and toast with Nutella. Chris was already in the shower and by the time he got out we were all eating. He got some eggs then I grabbed TIana's bag and walked her to school.

Chyna POV 

As Taylor closed the door behind her I ran up to Chris and said. Did you two?

 Chris: What, no girl calm down that was years ago. 

 I smirked at him and said, "I know you still love her"

Chris seemed shocked and told me to shut up.

At school I thought I might see Juicy but no sign of him. I knew Chris was good but apparently with Taylor he was better.

 Taylor POV

 Chris my dad would kill me if he knew I was-

 Chris said "shut up" playfully as he threw me against the wall and kissed me. We made out for a min. I then realized, what am I doing? That's my best friend's brother. In 6th grade it was different. I looked at Chris and said we can't do this cuz of Chyna.

"Chris we can't you know Chyna" I said softly

 Chris looked angry and said "Nah she's be cool I mean like she was before what you don't trust me or something?"

 No it's just we should have her blessing you know" I said trying to sound sweet

 Chris looked even more mad and said the unthinkable "Man she' b cool but now you like back tracking I don't like that don't fucking play with my heart, you know what I shouldn't even be with a suburban white rich bitch anyway."

The hurt I felt seeped through my face. Chris turned away and went to class. I felt even worse when I saw him kissing Angie a girl I knew. I told Chyna what happened and all she said was come on ma we gone find you a new boo. I walked through the hall and as usual niggas broke their necks for a glimpse of affection. I then saw one boy who was a part of Kingston. Kingston is the gang Chris is in. Ty is his name. Ty was a grade above me and sexy as hell. He looked at me then walked up and said, aye I know you feeling Chris but- I interrupted him and said that ship has sailed. Ty seemed in aw then asked if he could take me out. My jaw dropped. Take me to dinner I mean that's unheard of, you just chill and it turns into more but Ty was gentleman not only a thug. I've never been so excited

*2 days later*

He got me flowers, opened the door, pulled out my chair made me laugh and wasn't dying to get in my panties all he wanted was a smile or laugh from me. When he walked me up to my apartment he kissed me. I felt my stomach flip and my face hurt from smiling. He said he'd call me and the second I closed the door my phone rung. We talked for hours and hours I barley finished my homework, talk about an all-nighter. When I woke up I got Tiana ready and dressed to impress. It's for some awkward reason hot out today. I wore army print leggings, red bottoms, and a flowy shirt with a cross on it. I had some gold jewelry on with my hair curled. When I got to school Ty and I met up. He held my hand kissed me and walked me to class. Chyna winked at me when she saw me. Chris had to start shit, I fucking hate him.


The fuck you doing with my girl? Said Chris

"Man calm down you still with KD and Angie, from what I heard you had a threesome so don't play like you give a shit about Taylor."

Chris sucked his teeth and went away. I refuse to let him mess with Taylor and I she's too good. I may be in a gang but I got good grades I don't party too much and I take care of what mine is including Taylor. If you're wondering what I look like I'm a milk chocolate complexion, almond eyes, 6'3, with muscles and tattoos.

After school Taylor picked up Tiana and brought her to Tiana's grandmother. I love TIana I feel bad for her mom. Having a dad in jail is bad but having a mom, I mean who you will learn from. I still can't believe she took the fall it's crazy. After dropping of Tiana we went to Taylors place. Taylor is so serious when it comes to school the white really comes out when she's doing math. I was trying to distract her as much as possible, who the fuck has study dates and studies? After a while I scooted right near her and started kissing her neck leaving hickeys everywhere. After we started making out until she got a call. Chyna's dad is home.


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