Dating Max

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Dating Max would include:

- Endless cuddles after a long school day.

- The two of you taking silly pictures and hanging them on the walls of your dorms.

- Her asking you to be her model in school projects if she has to take photographs.

- Her giving you all the credit after she gets praised for some of her work, saying that you are the true piece of art in her pictures.

- Butterfly kisses whenever you feel like it.

- Kate teasing you about your relationship during Jefferson's class.

- You dozing off to a peaceful slumber as she plays on her guitar.

- You borrowing her vests when you are cold and Max doesn't ask them back until after a week so they smell like you.

- Being very close to Warren and Chloe, the latter being a bit jealous but accepting your relationship as she sees how happy Max is with you.

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