"athena moore." chimed in a very sharp looking brunette with dull gray eyes and full deep red lips. her red dress was especially revealing.

"emery and this is vivian." stated a girl in a southern accent. she gestured to the woman beside her with short choppy blonde hair.

unlike what was expected, almost everyone, in this limo at least, was relatively nice to each other. of course that was until savannah brought up the competition.

"so, daniel's pretty cute, isn't he."

this earned a collection of murmurs of agreement.

emery spoke up, "he's probably really smart too."

"i think we're made for each other." moxie admitted. i gave her a tight smile, glancing at the other girls to see how they reacted to this awkward moment. everyone broke out into a fit of giggles.

"what?" she questioned, queuing more laughs.

"i bet he's really good in bed." athena said abruptly. the whole limo fell silent.

vivian cleared her throat, "so what do you think of daniel (y/n)?" her boston accent resonated throughout the once mute limo.

"wow," i stuttered, not really sure what to say. "well, i don't really know him, so i couldn't say."

"how can you not know him?" savannah exclaimed. "did you not watch his season of the bachelorette?"

i was surprised that she mentioned his season. if she were to bring it up around daniel, she would be out of there quicker than the hitler sitcom. daniel was in the final two along with his current best friend phil. rachel, the bachelorette at the time, decided that neither of them was right for her and left without a husband. phil moved on but daniel never did, and i don't think he ever will. she shattered his heart. even if it gets put back together it will never be the same. although, i shouldn't be the one to speak. i've never been in love.

a series of screams and shrieks interrupted my thoughts. all of the girls pressed their noses up against the windows.

"what?" i asked, attempting to take a look outside the window. "what is it?"

"it's daniel!" fawn squealed. "he's even cuter in person!"

"i think i'm going to faint."

"do i look okay?"

"damn he's hot."

"he waved at me!"

"move bitch! i can't see!"

i tried to peek through the window but the girls shoved me away. i simply just plopped back down into the limo seat, defeated, and watched the other girls swoon.

the producer shushed the girls and informed us on how the introductions would go. he talked to us like we were babies.

"now girls, you walk out there, say your name to daniel, and exit. get it?" he ordered. "you, hun, go first." the producer gestured towards emery who gladly agreed.

i gave up trying to look out the window. even with the number of us dwindling, i still didn't dare to take a look.

"hun, it's your turn." instructed the producer. i glanced around the limo only to realize that i was the only one left. "go hun."

i began to go out the limo's door before acting on an impulse. "my name is (y/n)."

a refreshing gust of nighttime breeze blew through my hair. i tucked a strand of hair delicately behind my ear before looking up at the handsome stranger. his eyes met mine as i sauntered towards him.

"th-that's some dress." daniel complimented, taking ahold of my hands. i smiled gently in response.

"i'm (y/n)." i introduced myself. he took one of my hands towards his lips. my heart skipped a beat as i attempted not to blush.

"so nice to meet you (y/n)." he spoke into my hand, looking up at me. i wouldn't be so uncomfortable if there wasn't cameras filming us.

"nice to meet you too daniel." i stared down at the place on my hand where his lips once were.

"see you inside?" daniel hugged me tightly which startled me. i eventually wrapped my arms around his torso as well.

"i'll see you inside." I broke the hug and began to stroll away into the mansion.

"she's gorgeous."

the bachelor ▹ dan howell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now