Mad. Disappointed. Tired. Hungry.

I came here to talk to her hoping that we could patch up our differences. All the while she was seeing that narcissistic telenovela actor again.

"Come on man, lets have some beer and pizza. Saph texted Mia already. She's coming home." Kobe said. 


Mia arrived after I had four bottles of beer. She didn't look pale, thin or depress. In fact, she looked healthier and blooming. Contrary to what Stella said. I was miserable and all the while she was dating and having a good time. 

What the hell! I shouldn't have waited.

Two men were standing behind her. The telenovela actor and another guy who looked like his bodyguard.

"What are you doing here?" Mia gave me a cold stare.

"That's also the question I wanted to ask myself. I'm leaving. It's a mistake coming here." My attention focused at the telenovela actor and said in my very sarcastic tone. "Congrats, you won. I wish you both happiness." I immediately spun around and leave.

"Wait!" Mia almost shouted, following me. "Xander, it's not what you think."

"I shouldn't have come." I stopped walking and turned to her." I thought you're miserable and all the while you're dating!" I was breathless with rage.

"Can we at least talk and let me explain?" She said behind me.

"Ha! You already made a fool of me, Mia. What lie are you going to tell me this time? That you're not dating him?" I pointed at the guy in the living room.

"Stop it." She hissed. "Dylan is my friend. He's not my fiancé."

"I said stop lying." I looked at the telenovela actor who was coming near us.

"You see, Mr. Valiente... ah... Xander. Can I call you Xander? Ah... Mia and I are just pretending to be engaged?" Dylan Cooper said.

"What do you mean, huh?" My eyes shifted from him to Mia.

"I'm gay. I'm protecting my image being a celebrity."


"It's true." Mia said and looked at the other guy. "Mikael is Dylan's boyfriend. We're just hanging out together. They wanted to make me happy."

I shook my head, feeling so confused. 

He's gay? All along he's gay! I'm going insane absorbing all of these. Mia is making me crazy.

"We're going now, Mia so both of you can talk. I hope you will settle your problem tonight." Dylan cooper said and left the house before I could speak.


"What do you want me to do. Cry in the corner and wait for you to come? I was trying to move on. You called me a lying bitch and threw me out of the house. What do you think would I feel? You showed me that your'e done with me." We were back in the living room, sitting across each other.

"Correction. I did not throw you out of the house. You threatened me that you would leave. I told you that that's what you're good at, running away. And you did. Again!"

"Because you don't listen to me. You're pride is higher than Mt. Everest."

I exhaled heavily. Staring at her. "Why did you lie to me about having an amnesia."

Runaway FiancéeWhere stories live. Discover now