Chapter # 2

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When I was little I remember how much my dad loved me . He was always by my side but when my parents died my uncle was always there for me  as a father figure . Time taught me various lessons . All through my hardships my Lord was always with me . He knew the secrets of all hearts and I sincerely believed that he is the one who listens to all anguish and pain . As I sit next to the window of the bus I was travelling I ponder over the words Aamna told me yesterday . I was astonished . Why would uncle do such a thing ? Naming his every single property on my name I just couldn't accept it . I'm pretty sure uncle was strong he couldn't commit suicide which is not permissible in Islam . He was well aware of that fact being a practicing Muslim . He could have atleast informed me about anything he was going through . If my instincts are correct I know for a fact it isn't a suicide but a murder ... Yes a murder . I know I never trusted my instincts when I was little but as I grew up I realised that was my greatest strength and today I think I should do the same as well . Trust my instincts . And so I decided to take on the path I left before . I was firm in my decision that I won't walk on that path ever again but I will for the sake of my uncle . I'll investigate his matter . These disturbing thought keep gushing in my brain and I snap out of it to observe the road the bus was taking me . It was a busy Monday afternoon and the bus was almost full . An old lady sat next to me as the vehicle ceased for a few seconds to pick passengers on the bus stop . Mine was the last stop so I sat peacefully observing my surroundings along with reciting the basic Adhkaar  (recitings in the praise of Almighty Allah ) . The bus moved swiftly amongst the other vehicles on the road . I see everyone have their own needs to attend to as every vehicle is in rush .My eyes land on the two college girls sitting in front of me as I couldn't ignore their noisy chatter . They were both simple dressed in a normal Salvar and Kurti (traditional Indian dress ) . They wore their college Id around their neck confirming my thoughts . They wouldn't remain silent even for a second ...They kept talking about various stuff majorly discussing their day at college . Looking at them I was taken aback to my days as a student . I recently ask this to myself a lot " When did I become so Good ? " When did I even turn to my current self what happened to me ? The me I was so proud of .

The things that defined me  in the past were selfish,  devious , possessive,  ambitious , people oriented and lots more . I never thought about it in the past but now I despise truly the way I was . I'm thankful to Allah for giving me a wonderful friend as Aamna who filled the hole in my heart . When my new self was born I missed my friends much that it pained me day and night but I never cherished them when I had so I blamed my loneliness as a punishment for not being able to fulfill my duty as a friend . Those were the times when I realised how precious time was . One must utilise every opportunity they are given and make the best use of it . Every passing second every passing minute is precious I strongly feel that we can't rely on the future and our fate to determine our lives we do have the power to change our destiny through supplication and putting our trust in the Almighty . Indeed he has the power over everything . 

      I don't remember much of my childhood although some short clips of my preschool years . I was very possessive and impatient and I continued to be till my teens . I remember how I used to be a cry baby , fretting over tiny little things . In my Kindergarten I had a teacher who used to give me 3 stars for any assignment but when she would give me two I would cry all day in my home . I was so silly . There were twin boys in my class who were so naughty and used to poke pencil on the back of my palm . The teacher Mrs Tabassum was very sympathetic to me and because of that they would get screwed so they named my tears 'crocodile tears ' . My lips stretched into a smile as I looked out of the window and I realised my stop was near so I straightened myself and got ready to get down .I had to walk for about 5 mins until I reach the lane of my house .

"Assalamualaikum! "I greeted stepping inside . I arranged my shoes back in the counter and looked at Ayaan who was super angry with me as I was late to home . I raffled his hair which didn't soften his look but the donuts I brought would sure bring him a smile . Sana greeted me holding her teddy bear .

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