Bethanne Madeline

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#283 in fanfiction 14/02/2017

I am so sorry it has been so long... Super ashamed whoops

Here is your Bethanne Svea_Writes !!!

The school bell rang loudly and I gripped Annabeth's sleeve tightly. "Please?" I asked again, becoming desperate as the crowds of students came towards us like a storm. 

Annabeth groaned and shook me off her. "Fine. But only this once!" Annabeth looked at me with an amused expression on her features. "I still don't understand why you want to meet her?"

I groaned and yelled out as I was pushed further and further away from my blonde friend by the crowd, "you always say I remind you of her!" 

And I can get away from home for a few more precious hours...

*** *** *** ***

That afternoon, I rocked up to Annabeth's apartment and noticed a strange glow coming from her front door. As I got closer, I saw that the glow was coming from a silver set of arrows lying next to a bow. I frowned and gulped. I knocked. Nervously I pushed some of my short brown hair back behind my ears but it itched and I angrily ruffled it. I made an impatient noise and tapped my foot. 

"Annabeth Chase!" I yelled. "Hurry up!" 

I heard an impatient noise come from behind the wooden door and it slowly creaked open to reveal a girl with spiky black hair. She glowered at me and raised her eyebrow. "Yes?" 

I frowned right back at the rude-looking girl and peered around her into the apartment. "I'm here for Annabeth actually. Who are you?"

The frowning girl opened the door with a grunt and motioned for me to come in. Warily I padded inside and set my bag on the floor lightly. 

"Annabeth!" The girl yelled. "Stop making out with fish-boy up there and come introduce me to your friend!" A few seconds passed and the girl turned to face me again except this time there was something else in her stare. Was it admiration? "What was your name again?"

I folded my arms and flipped my hair over my shoulder. "Bethanne Madeline," I said and looked the girl who still didn't have a name up and down. "And you are?" 

"Thalia Grace. Nice to meet you... Bethanne." 

There was something in Thalia's eyes that made me realise she knew who I was. I only saw this because I had the same look in my eyes too. "You're Thalia?" I said in surprise. "Wow, I'm surprised I didn't recognise you! Annabeth talks about you all the time at school." 

Thalia laughed and grinned widely. "Ditto."

Then, Annabeth walked downstairs, zipping a hoodie up hastily. "Hey Bethanne!" she exclaimed and looked between us suspiciously. "I missed the introductions didn't I?" 

I laughed loudly at the same time Thalia glanced up the stairs and glared at Annabeth playfully. "Yes. While you were too busy with kelp-brain up there, I let your nice friend, Bethanne, inside."

Annabeth blushed madly and waved us all into the small kitchen where a large plate of steaming blue cookies lay on the bench. She glanced at Thalia and motioned towards me with her head. 

Mouth full of delicious blue-ness, I looked between the girls in confusion. "Wha'?" Crumbs sprayed out of my mouth, making Thalia chortle and slap my back. 

"You're right, Annabeth!" Thalia exclaimed, "she'll be perfect!" 

My eyes widened and I looked between the two girls, confusion painted across my features. "Perfect for what? Annabeth, what aren't you telling me?" 

Annabeth sat down on a plush couch that sat up against a wall and beckoned me over. "Sit, sit, Bethanne."

I gave Thalia a strange look but sat down and drank from the warmth Annabeth gave me. "Yes?" 

"Well," Annabeth began, "I know how awful your home life is and I think I have something that you will want to do." 

Then she went on to explain the concept of demigods and greek gods and monsters in front of my unbelieving eyes. When she finished, I swear, my eyes were as large as the bruises that littered my skin. 

Thalia grabbed my hand and knelt down to my level. "Will you join me, Bethanne Madeline? Will you join the Hunt?"

Even before I could process her question, my mouth was already opening on it's own accord. "Yes." 

And I never looked back. 

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