Harry Potter

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Lily Potter above

Here's a different chapter for everyone :)

Harry Potter wandered through the shop, scratching his chin in confusion. "Hun, what did you want again?"

Ginny smiled and with her free hand she grabbed a packet of something and stuffed it quickly into the basket. Lily pulled on her other hand with a red face.

"Mum can we go now? I don't want anyone to know!" Lily's face crumpled up in embarrassment and dragged Harry and Ginny out of the sanitary isle.

"Lily!" Ginny said affectionately, "every girl gets it, it's only-"


Ginny laughed, "ok, ok, let's go to the counter and buy these things. Let me grab my purse."

Ginny put her hand in her bag and dipped down until she was rummaging up to her elbow. "Gin, I don't know why you just won't use magic to get your purse, it would be so much easier."

Ginny patted Harry's cheek fondly and shook her head, "Harry, dear, we came to America to get away from everything. And that means no magic."

Harry groaned and turned his eyes to the muggle 'drug store'. Why anyone would go into a building called a drug store was beyond Harry but looking at the many muggles that filtered in and out of the door showed Harry that people obviously didn't care very much.

Suddenly, a blur of black rushed passed him, Harry spun round to see the blur of a boy hit Lily and topple to the ground. "Ow."

Harry ran over and pulled Lily off the ground. He glared at the boy who was hauling himself off the ground, dusting golden dust off his black army pants. "Hi," said Lily suddenly. She stepped forward and smiled at the boy, suddenly forgetting that he was the idiot who knocked her down in the first place. Harry peered between them, taking in the boy as he did. He was tall, almost as tall as Harry and the boy only looked to be around fifteen, a year older than Lily. His skin was tan, like he spent all his waking hours in the sun. Muscles rippled under his skin when he moved and Lily swooned. His dark hair was slick with sweat.

"Sorry dude," the boy said, looking at Harry. He turned to Lily and grinned. "Sorry, Miss. I hope I didn't hurt you."

Lily giggled and now Ginny was standing next to Harry, looking between the two with fascination. She leant in and whisper in Harry's ear, "it's a crush! Aw, look at them. He's very handsome isn't he dear?"

Harry frowned.

"It's fine," Lily was saying now, "really, I'm not hurt one bit." She blushed again and bit her lip.

The boy nodded. "I'm Connor Jackson, You're not from round here are you?"

"From England actually. We're here on a getaway of sorts." Lily explained, looking back at Harry and Ginny with a sparkle in her eye."

"Yes," interrupted Harry, "but where are your parents young man? I hardly expect they'd let you walk around New York by yourself?"

Connor shrugged, "they'll be here soon. I left a pretty good trail for them to follow."

Sure enough, two young adults strutted into the store, brushing the same gold dust off their clothes that was on Connor. "Connor!" The blonde woman exclaimed and ran over. She pulled him into a hug and unlike most boys, Connor wrapped his arms around her. The woman was taller than her son, the same height as me. She looked at me and smiled, her grey eyes sparkled. She held out her hand, "Hi there, sorry about Connor, was he bugging you? I'm Annabeth Jackson, his mother."

I clasped her hand and shook it. "Harry Potter and no, your son is fine. He just bumped into my daughter here."

She smiled at Lily and then shook Ginny's hand. A man (my God, was this family a family of giants?) walked to Annabeth and pulled her into his chest. "Hi there," he said cheerily, though Harry saw sadness in his green eyes. "I'm Percy Jackson. I see you've met my beautiful wife and son?"

Ginny smiled and pulled Lily from where she was subconsciously inching closer to Connor. "Yes. Well, it was very nice meeting you all but unfortunately," Ginny checked her watch, concealing the face from the muggles. The watch was actually a miniture version of the clock in the burrow. "Unfortunately we have a tour to get too."

Connor smiled at Lily. "Such a shame." Lily blushed again.

Annabeth's lips turned into a smile and she shook both Harry and Ginny's hands again. "Ah well, I hope we see each other again. Goodbye everyone." Annabeth gripped Connor's hoodie and pulled him away. Harry watched them leave.

"They seemed nice," Ginny remarked before winking at Lily. "Ah, here we are. My purse." Ginny yanked her hand from her bag and took out some muggle American money. "Off we go, Potter family, let's go on an adventure."

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