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So here I am walking down a damn dirt road, feeling the summer heat even in the lowering sunrise. If you had told me my life would take a fucking 180 I would of laughed at you. But that’s just what it did. I grew up in a good part of town, a nice school, and perfect roll models. But little girls gotta need for speed. I just couldn’t get enough of that burning rubber smell, or the sound of an over exerted engine as my foot pushes the gas petal to the floor. My parents had tried everything to get me to go to a college, but I wouldn’t have any of that.

    Hell they still had my younger brother for that. He’s a smart boy, he’ll go to college and bring the family some fame. Yup that’s how I looked at things, I was the rebel, a bad girl. Ha bad girl, yea right. I was worse. Bad girls skipped school, and drank underage, snuck out of their houses to meet boys. Maybe get into a little stupid trouble with the law, nah not me. I was wanted by the cops, the Mafia and a few other sharks. But on the upside, they all knew where to find me. Not like it was hard, I left calling cards all around town.

This is my job, I’m a transporter. Its self explanatory, I ship things. At great speeds, no rules, no limits. I had started this so called job, when I noticed a lack of good drivers. High end people looking for things to get to them, today not tomorrow. Paying a ridicules amount of money to have it. Wanting anything from cars, drugs, money or whatever else they could think to have. My rules were simple, half the money up front, and I had to know what I was hauling. If you couldn’t follow those rules you didn’t get me.

    Most of my clientele agreed without even batting an eyelash, while some where a little more how you say….skeptical. However I have a remarkable background, so it didn’t really matter what they thought. To say I wasn’t hurting for money was true, I wasn’t. A few nice cars and a small house outside of town. My people or so they were called, did everything from parties filled with drugs, woman, sex, and booze. It was exciting for the first few years, but now I grew bored. That was a common thing with me, I get bored easily.
    Part of the reason why I loved my job, it was always different. Its true that something stayed the same, but for the most part it was exciting. I’ll back up, give me a second light this smoke. Aww so much better, alright where was I...Oh yea the beginning.
New York springtime, the ever bustling herd of people. Looking down from a tall skyscraper in the heart of it all, I was waiting for a meeting to start. I’m 5’9”, straight dark hair and emeralds for eyes. Athletic build, couple of tattoos on tan skin that hides away under my leather jacket. My black boots tape the overly priced title flooring, while my hip hugging blue jeans are as washed out as the president. I would 29 at least for a few more months.

    “Miss Ray?” The woman opened the thick mahogany door. Saying my name as if it were wrong.
    “Yea” Pushing off the all glass wall. Walking to her, she ushers me in. I ignore her stalking eyes as she doesn’t approve of my outfit. Right back at you sister, I don’t do the whole innocent secretary look; knowing full on she‘s banging the boss. Meet Mr. Emerret. A very high ranking man in the City that never sleeps. His history for getting whatever he wants is something few haven’t heard about. I being his best employee or so he says.

    Dark eyes peer up from a stack of papers as he, looks me up and down. Salt and pepper hair, pulling at his age. This man doesn’t need looks to get pussy. A few hundreds and the whole damn female population would lay him. Well build for his age, which I guessed was about 50 something. Black suit with a blood red tie, way to make a statement.
    “Aww Ray” Dropping his pen on the oversized desk.
    “Emerret” Nodding as I lean my hand on a chair sitting in front of his desk. He’s given up on asking me to sit.

    “Business like as always” Chuckling.
    “Would you have me any other way?” Leaving it open to play with. He catches it, and a slippery slim appears.
    “This is why I like you Ray.” Pulling out a cigar and cutting the end, before lighting it.
    “And here I thought it was my driving skills” Grinning. He takes a few puffs, before lowering.
    “Here” Tossing a small yellow envelop. Taking it off the edge of the desk, I open it. Half my pay, as requested.

    “What’s the load?” Tucking the money behind my back, pulling the shirt over it.
    “Hmmm” Humming as a grin gets wider. “You’ll like this” Grabbing a black case from his side, dropping it on the table spinning the clips my way. Taking the step to the case, popping both clips I get a look at some very priceless diamonds.
    “There worth more then anything I have let you ship” Grinning at the word ship. Closing the case, I hold the handle letting it dangle at my side.
    “How long, and where?” Keeping my face straight.
    “Miami, 9 hours” Nodding I turn.
    “Oh before I forget, call down and valet my parking would yea” Giving him a smug look. Laughing a tummy roll, he shakes his head.

“Next you’ll want the employee of the month award.” Chuckling I give my best Ray smile.
    “Nah, that’s been taking by Miss crotchet” Looking at the Secretary. Her face goes pale, as she looks at her boss blushing. Laughing it off, I walked to the elevator. Hitting the button to the underground parking lot, I wait for the ding. Stepping out I grab for my keys. Clicking the alarm off, the flashing light of my baby. She’s a badass green with envy mustang. Packed with all the goodies a girl could ask for, at least in my line of work. Getting in the case going in the back floor board, while the money is stashed in an hidden compartment.

    You’d have to strip this car clean to find my handling places. Not even dog could smell my shit. I did my homework, always looking into new things and way of transporting items. That’s what a good boss does. Pushing the key, she roared excepting me as master. The seat belt automatically clipping me in. Pulling out I pull down my shades, as we exit into the on coming traffic. The route to Miami pulling up on my navigation. Normally an over 16 hr drive straight threw, I had to do it in half. Damn rush hour traffic was going to be a bitch.

    Hitting 95 all the way, I could always detour if need be. I had installed a large gas tank, so I could go further. Filling up takes time, and time is money. With some good music, I got my head into the game. Emerret had sent me the address in which I needed to deliver the goods. Cops didn’t even concern me, as if they even saw me flying down the highway; they wouldn’t be able to catch me. Even the fastest cop cars weren’t built to handle the speeds in which I was traveling.

Hitting the gas, my foot hit the other petal while my hand moved on its own shifting the gears. It was like breathing to me, I didn’t have to think about it anymore. Drifting in and out of lanes, passing one car after another. A semi blew it horn, waving out the window. I was popular with the truckers, clicking my CB on I heard him.
    ~Papa Geno, you out there Racer?~
    ~Racer, I see yea Papa Geno~
    ~Whoo wee girl, look at you go~ I laughed, knowing truckers is a good thing. Not only do they have some fucking funny ass stories, but they know better traffic routes and where the cop like to lie low.
    ~You better believe it Papa, where you headed handsome~ Flattery will get you everywhere.
    ~Ohh I’m heading to the Jersey Turnpike, you love?~
    ~Sunshine and bikinis~
    ~Ha Gunna get yourself a sexy tan are yea?~
    ~Damn straight~ The call ended with him laughing.

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