1. The Devil's Advocate

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"Abby!" She whisper-shouted. Abby knew just who was calling her, but didn't want to wake from her slumber.

Everyday Abby would be woken by her stepmother, Gretchen, at 6am sharp to clean the house before her stepsisters, Mary and Claire, woke up.

Abby sighed, finally opening her eyes, and of course, Gretchen was standing over her with her deep brown eyes, glaring at the previously asleep Abby.

"Wake up. You know what to do." She walked off and left Abby to wake up and clean.

School - Abby's POV

I had completed all the work needed to be done that morning and was now walking to school. Gretchen drove Mary and Claire to school, leaving me to ride my bike or walk - considering the fact that I don't know how to ride a bicycle...you can imagine what I was left with.

"Hey," Tammy said as I walked into school, just on time.

"Hi." I sigh looking at Tammy. Tammy had been my best friend since i was born, literally, we were born next door to each other in the same hospital, on the same day. Our mothers quickly bonded soon after our births and Tammy and I were destined to be friends. Sometimes we tell people that we're twins since Tammy and I look almost like each other.

We both had piercing green eyes and really long hair; although hers was strawberry blonde and mine was raven black. We had matching birth marks: bottom left stomach, and matching freckles, mine were on my cheeks and hers on her nose. We were basically twins with different hair.

When my dad died, Tammy was the first and only one to know. Not because nobody cared, but because I didn't want my mom, who lives in Sweden, to find out about my dads death. I knew she'd come right down to Virginia to take me with her, which meant I'd leave Tammy. And I, of course, didn't want that.

"How bad was the torture today?" T asked as she handed me a cup of coffee and biscuits. It was just the start of winter and I'd already hated having to clean the snow off the driveway and off the house windows.

"Just as bad." I said, I then noticed Mary and Claire walking into school.

"Hi Abigail ." They spat in unison as they walked passed.

"I swear they're spawns of the devil." T seethed. She really didn't like them, pity they were Ms. Popular's .. all thanks to my previous reputation.

I used to popular, back in the day when my dad was alive, but as soon as my dad married Gretchen... everything came crashing down as The Devil Twins became part of my life. Infiltrating my secrets and social life.

"No wonder they're gretchen's kids." I laughed and Tammy laughed too. I walked off to first period, Natural Sciences.

I sat in class bored, as usual, and I began to draw little pictures of Gretchen with a knife through her head. Multiple, mini dead Gretchens covered my once clean page. I smiled in content and sighed, drawing attention to myself.

"Something wrong Ms Marshall?" Asked Mr Marks.

I shook my head, "No sir." And looked back down at my book, smiling again.

Sir walked over and grabbed my book, "You drew this?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I nodded hesitantly. "It's marvelous." He commented and walked to his desk. "Who is this?" He questioned as he snapped a photo of my work, looking amused and intrigued.

"My stepmother." I shuffled a little in my seat.

"What would you call this?" He asked, still marveling at my 'art'.

"The devils advocate." I said after giving thought.

Little did I know that that would be the peek of my life.


Tammy slumped onto the seat next to me. "Yo yo, heard you drew pictures of your stepmom and it got high praise from Mr Marks." She asked as she forked her chicken salad from Chipotle.

"Oh," I swallowed my taco "yeah. I got bored and started sketching and he noticed." I shrugged.

"You make it seem like it isn't a big deal." Tammy raised an eyebrow.

"Because it isn't." I replied trying to finish eating my lunch but Tammy spoke again.

"So having your stepmothers face hung up in the exhibition isn't a big deal." She raised her eyebrows even higher, questioning me even more.

I choked on my food, gaining attention "What! This cannot be true." I exclaimed as people started to turn in their chairs and look at me. More curious than worried.

"Why? Isn't this good? You'll be popular again." Tammy beamed in her chair.

"You still are, your stepsisters are just trying to drag you down." Jason barged in, he was Tammy's friend and art partner. He was a year older than us but he was the nicest guy I've ever met.

"No. I just don't have balls to stand up to them." I said sighing, playing with my taco. I got up, prepared to leave

"So why don't you grow some balls?" Jason questioned, raising an eyebrow teasingly. I rolled my eyes

"You say it like it's so simple."

"Because it is simple." He sighs frustrated. He's clearly trying to be gentle but also trying to push me a little further.

"Why don't you try living with a horrible stepmother that starves you and tries to kill you every chance she gets." I breathed out in frustration. I didn't know what else to say because Jason could never understand my pain. I had to deal with everything alone, it's always been this way.

"I have a stepmoth-" He starts.

"But she's nice, and kind. Oh, and she doesn't try killing you 24/7," I gather my things and hold them to my chest. "Alright I'm leaving. Bye." I say sternly. Jason had succeeded in irritating me, only because he thinks I just sit back and let my life fall apart. I've done all that I can to keep it together.. but I've failed.

"Oomph!" A voice calls in front of me as I collide into a hard chest.


I groan and squirm, laying on the floor in pain from the impact. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me up, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I should've been looking where I was going." He apologized continuously.

I opened my eyes slightly, still groaning and grasping my head, "It's ok-" I'm consumed by darkness and slowly I start to dream... About doughnuts.

Y'all this book isn't going to be romantic ... Are any of my books romantic ?? No 😂 they're cute, but not romantic. I've never experienced mutual love so... I cannot write about it if I cannot describe it in detail.

Neither have I had sex , therefore , no smut. Or i'll just ask a friend to write it for me..

s/o to my homefry AidyHayiesGirl for the cover. thanks a mil beb ! 💜

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