New Friend

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Kadie's recording with me again so we can finish our current Adventure map series, but she has to leave soon because of her date with Toby. I'm left at the office with nothing better to do that edit some videos. When I get bored of editing I head to Facebook to check my personal account. I notice I have a new friend request, so I click it to see who it is. Her name is Kiera and she's a Yognau(gh)t, which is strange. None of the fans know my real name is Andrea, so how'd she find me. Then I realize she's friends with Kadie, Zach, and Julia, so I accept it. I soon receive a pm from her.

"Hey, thanks. Kadie told me you're also a Yognau(gh)t." So she still doesn't know who I am, at least I know the others didn't tell her about me.

"Well, yeah. I'm a really big fan, especially of Sjin." I reply, I want to play with her a little bit.

"Sjin, really? Why Sjin?"

"Because he's really kind and awesome. He can make me smile on my worst day. And he gives great hugs." I reply, which was in no way a lie.

"You've hugged Sjin?!"

"Yeah, everyday." I reply, chuckling.

"In your mind doesn't count. I prefer Simon. He's hilarious, I even handmade a perfect cosplay of his Minecraft skin."

"He's funny, but loud. You can hear him on the other side of the building."

"So what, the others don't mind. I think it's funny to hear him yell in one person's video and then see why in his own."

"I guess. What do you think of the others?"

"I like everyone but Duncan."

"Why don't you like Duncan?"

"I think he's too full of himself. He's a jerk."

"*Gasp* Duncan, a jerk, never! He doesn't really act like a jerk IRL," I reply, and he isn't unless he wants to be.

"How would you know? Have you met him? If not then you can't say whether he is or not."

"Actually I have met him. I met him for the first time about two months ago. I've met all of them." I reply, still not lying, only leaving out information.

"Really?!! IRL or in your imagination?"

"IRL. They're all really awesome, especially Sjin."

"How'd you meet all of them? When where they all together at the same place for you to meet them?"

"Some of them came to my house and offered me an internship. I flew back to Bristol with them and became a member."


"Yep. Want to meet the others?" I ask. Her profile says she lives here in Bristol.

"Of course! I live at (insert address). When can you pick me up?"

"How bout tomorrow morning at 10?" We can pick her up on our way to the office.

"Sounds awesome!!!!"

"Okay, see you tomorrow." I say.

Paul sticks his head in, "Ready to head home?" "Yep. By the way, do you mind picking someone up on the way in tomorrow?" "Sure. Who is it?" "Just a new friend. I met her on Facebook." "It's good to see you have friends your own age," Paul chuckles. I hit his arm, "What's wrong with having you guys as friends?" "Nothing. But it's a little weird if your only friends are grown men." "And woman, what about Erin, Anya, Kim, Kaeyi, Beckii, Hannah, and Katie (Trott's gf)?" "True, but still." "I know what you mean. That's why I have Kadie, Julia, and Zach." "But Zach's a little more than a friend," Paul says making me blush.

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