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After a week Lewis calls me into his office. "Everyone is telling me you should be added as a member, not just an intern." I smile at the possibility. "And I agree, I saw some of your videos, and they fit in perfectly with ours. And your work really well with others. What do you think?" I hug him, laughing,"This is so amazing! Thank you so much!" He chuckles and I pull back, knowing hugs make him feel awkward. So I head back to my room, excited. I start recording when Hannah comes in. "Can I record something with you?" I pause my recording and look at her. "Hmmm, let me think. Why should I?" I ask, smiling mischievously. "Because you let Duncan and Paul record with you. And they each said its really awesome to work with you, that you can't go five minutes without making them laugh." "I was just kidding. Of course you can play with me. Hopefully we'll be able to do it more now that I'm an official member." She smiles and we head to the recording room. When we're done Tom walks in. "Wow Andrea, this should be your office. You always seem to be in here with someone," he chuckles, sitting down. "It's not my fault everyone wants to record with me," I say, smiling.

When I get 'home' with Paul I jump on my laptop to check Twitter. My followers has jumped to almost 5,000! And I can see why. Lewis, Duncan, Paul, and Hannah have all mentioned me being added as a member, and to go check out my YouTube. I quickly check my other mentions and find most of them about my videos, and how they can't wait to see what I will do in the future. But then one mention catches my eye,"I deserve that spot more than you. If your don't quit, well......" I've dealt with haters before, so I brush it off. But as I scroll through more mentions, I find another one from him, and another. After the fifth I go to Paul for help. "It's strange that he would continue after one. Maybe he just wants attention. Let it go for now, but if it keeps it up tell me." So I just ignore him like Paul suggested. I try to reply to as many as I can, remembering when I was a fan. I head to bed around my usual time, but I wake up a few hours before we have to go. I can't fall asleep again, so I get up and take a shower. I get dressed for the day and head to the kitchen for an early breakfast. While I'm eating I open up my iPad and check twitter. I have a surprising amount of new mentions. I thought I knew what it would be like to be a famous gamer. But I have nowhere near enough to be considered famous, and I already have more people after me than I ever thought possible. But my excitement diminishes when I see yet another tweet from the hater, who goes by Enyo. "I will give you one more day to announce you're letting me have your position." I wait for Paul to wake up to tell him. "I don't like this guy. I think he's serious. We'll bring it to the police after the party tonight." "What party?" I ask, my ears figuratively perking up. "Well we were going to have a surprise party for you. I was supposed to bring you to that cafe you like, and tell you to celebrate you becoming a member, and then everyone would surprise you. But my big mouth just ruined it," he says, face-palming. I laugh,"It doesn't matter. It'll still be really fun." I say, hugging him.

When we get to the office everyone is suppressing smiles, and when Paul sees he sighs,"Too late guys. I accidentally gave it away." Simon groans,"But it was supposed to be a surprise. Why'd you spoil it?" "I didn't mean to. I let it slip,"Paul complains. They drop it, but I can tell they're upset Paul told me. After work we all head to the cafe. We eat, talk, and laugh for hours. Finally I have to go to the restroom, so I excuse myself. When I get to the bathroom I see a man standing outside the door. "Can you help me? My wife has been in there a while and I haven't heard from her, do you mind going in and checking on her?" I nod,"Of course!" But when I get inside I realize the man followed me. I start to scream but he covers my mouth. "I told you to quit and give me the job. This is your last warning. Next time will be worse,"he says, kicking me in the stomach. I fall to the ground, the breath knocked out of me. He kicks me a few more times, then bends down and punches me. He stands up and walks out of the bathroom. I get up, gasping at the pain in my stomach. When I get out into the cafe they immediately notice. "Kate, what happened?" Lewis asks, worried. "It was him, wasn't it?" Paul asks and I nod. He helps me sit down,"Are you okay? I shouldn't have waited," he says, frowning. "It's okay. It's not your fault," I say, trying to comfort him. "Wait? What are you two talking about?" Duncan asks. "A hater has been threatening me on twitter. He told me to give him my job, or he'd come after me. And he just told me that that was just a warning. If I don't give him my job soon he'll come back." "We have to bring this to the police. Do you know his name?" Simon asks, and I realize I don't."No, he just went by Enyo," I tell them. "Why don't you two head home?" Lewis offers, smiling apologetically. I nod, so we leave. On the way home Paul speaks up,"Are you sure you're alright? We can stop at the hospital." I shake my head,"I'll be sore tomorrow, but I should be fine." "Okay, just tell me if anything comes up," he says. "Of course. But I think I'll be fine."

The next day we head to Yogtowers and it seems like everyone comes up to me at one point during the day to see if I'm okay. I tell them I'm fine over and over again, eventually getting tired of telling everyone separately. When we head home that night we pass a hitchhiker, he seems normal at first, but then he steps into the middle of the road. Paul steps on the breaks, the car stopping just before hitting the man. With the help of the headlights I see the man's face for the first time. My eyes fill with fear when I recognize the man from the cafe.

Chance of a Lifetime (A Yogscast Fan-Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang