The Nightmare

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Paul brings me home after he fills out some paperwork at the hospital. On the way he keeps asking if I'm alright, and if I need any pain medicine. I keep reassuring him I'm okay, that they're just a few scratches. When we get home I change into some pajamas, making sure they're long-sleeved so the bandages don't worry Paul. We sit together on the couch, watching "Tangled" and eating popcorn. About halfway through the movie I suddenly get really tired, so I lean against Paul. He puts his arm around me and I fall asleep. I wake up in the morning, laying with Paul on the couch. I gently get up, not wanting to wake him up. I take a shower and change into some jeans and a t-shirt. I make some hash browns and pancakes for us. I eat my breakfast and jump on the computer to check Facebook and Twitter. After about an hour Paul gets up, yawning. "Morning, I made you breakfast," I say motioning to the plate. "Thanks. How're your arms today?" He asks, looking at my long-sleeved shirt. "Fine. They don't hurt that much. You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine," I try to tell him, again. "I know, but I can't help it," he says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Do you want to go to the office?" I nod,"Of course! I have some videos to edit and post," I say, smiling. So he eats his breakfast and changes. We head to the office, and surprisingly he doesn't even mention my arms during the whole ride.

When we get to the office everyone who wasn't at the hospital, and a few that were, come to my office (hehe "my" office, *fan girl squeal*). "Are you okay? How're your arms feeling today?" Anya asks. "I'm fine. My arms don't hurt as much as they did yesterday. I'll be fine. If the doctors didn't think so they wouldn't have let me leave," I say, trying to comfort them. I don't need everyone asking me if I'm okay every ten minutes. "Are you sure? You don't have to be here today," Lewis says, looking worried. "I'm sure! Anyway, I have work to do. Can't keep the fans waiting, can I?" I laugh. They accept it and leave me alone for the rest of the day and Paul only checks on me twice.

At around 2:00 I get a call from my mom. "Are you okay? We've been so worried! We heard you were kidnapped and then we didn't hear anything else," my mom says frantically. I mentally face palm, I completely forgot to call her. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm so sorry, I forgot to call you. he only cut me a few times, I'll be alright," I tell her. "We're coming out. We have a flight in an hour and should get there sometime tomorrow. We'll call you when we land," I'm glad I get to see her, but I don't want her to come all this way now that I'm fine. "You don't have to, I'm fine. Don't come all this way. I know how bad the flight and jet lag is." "Of course we're still coming out. We miss our baby. We want to see where you're staying and working. We haven't met everyone yet!" she says in the typical excited mom voice. I groan inwardly. I didn't think about that. "Okay, if that's what you want. But please don't embarrass me again," I say, memories flooding me. "When have I ever embarrassed you?" she asks, making me laugh. "How about the time Sarah was visiting and you came out in a zebra mini-skirt?" (and yes, that really happened to me irl). "That was funny! You weren't embarrassed at the time." "Of course I was! My face must have been beat red! And how about the time you started dancing when you visited me at school?" "I said I was sorry!" She complains. And she had, she even brought me to my favorite coffee shop as penance. "Okay, fine. I'm just making my point. You know how much these guys mean to me. They've been my family since I can't be with you and dad." "Okay, I'll try. See you tomorrow." "Bye mom." I hang up and head to Paul's office. "Hey Andrea, what do you need?" He asks, smiling at me. "My parents are flying in, they said they'll call me tomorrow when they arrive. Did you tell them what happened?" I ask. I'm not really angry,just a little irritated. "Of course, I thought they'd want to know. I hope you don't mind. And I'm glad they're coming out, I want to sit down and actually get to know them," he says, smiling. "Okay, just be warned they can be a little wierd," I say, almost laughing at the memories. "Look who you're around. They can't be much weirder than us," he says chuckling. As if on que, Hannah walks by in her Assassin's Creed outfit. Paul motions, as if to say 'like I said."

We head home at the usual time. We just sit around on our computers, like usual. You'd think that after spending the whole day on the computer we'd be tired of them by the time we got home, but nope. We have dinner together and head to bed. I dream that I'm in a plane, watching my parents. Suddenly time slows down and I see smoke in the back of the plane. The captain's voice comes over the speakers, "Everything is alright folks, just remain in your seats. There's just minor technical problems." He says everything's alright, but his voice betrays his fear. Suddenly an explosion resonates through the cabin. I look back and see the back of the plane gone. Everyone screams as the back rows are pulled out of the plane. The people's screams fall away with them. Slowly parts of the plane break off. Everyone watches in horror, knowing there's nothing they can do. The last thing I see is my parents falling into the blackness behind the plane. I suddenly wake up, crying. I realize someone's holding me. "Shhh, it's okay. It was just a dream,"Paul says, squeezing me tightly into a hug. It takes me a while, but I stop crying. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" He asks, handing am a tissue. I nod, afraid that if I talk I'll start crying again. I lay back down, snuggling close to Paul. His calming arms around me.

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