I was starving although we had just left McDonald's not too long ago, but I felt like if I ate anything, I wouldn't be able to keep it down for long. I was under a lot of stress, and that wasn't good at all. Maybe from the outside looking in this sounds pretty dramatic, but believe me, it's worse than anyone could ever possibly think.

All I wanted was a simple explanation for things, but the problem was that I refused to go to Rob for just that - a simple explanation. I didn't want him around me again, but at the same time I did.

My phone vibrated constantly, and after a few attempts at ignoring it, but failing, I decided to check it. Sarah had texted me asking if I was alright and where I was. She also said that Rob had come by looking for me, but she didn't know what to tell him. It surprised me that she didn't know what to say. Sarah of all people always had a lot to say.

So I decided to go back home, and when I did, Rob was back outside in my yard again, and it looked like Sarah and him were arguing.

"So why the hell are you lying to her then!" was what I heard her shout when I came up to the two of them.


"I'm not lying! Just let me explain again, because you obviously didn't catch what all I said the first time!" Rob shouted back.

They were ignoring me, my presence had beeen acknowledged, but ignored.

Like always.

"You should be doing the explaining to her!" Sarah said, rushing forward to turn Rob so that we were facing each other. For some reason I blushed, which was stupid as hell considering the situation.

"Heather," Rob said, his voice softening. A look of hurt was on his face, but I didn't understand why when he was the one that hurt me. "Please listen."

I nodded, then watched as Sarah angrily stormed away into the house. "None of this is what you might think."

"Then what is it?"

"Maddie and I kind of got to talking earlier today. Just a normal conversation, but I wasn't necessarily interested in having it until I noticed we shared a few common interest." Rob said, pausing to see if I got what he was saying. "I was bored, and I remembered how you had said I rejected everyone who came my way trying to be friends, so I figured, fuck it, let me actually try to make a friend."

"With one of the biggest bitches in town?" I questioned.

"You're not lettting me finish."

I rolled my eyes. "She showed me a good hangout spot. The one you found me at, and we had a good time over there until you showed up. I thought you were angry at me."

"You had a good time until I showed up? Ha, that makes me feel so much better Rob. What am I? A party pooper or something? I'm sorry you and Maddie's fun had to end because of me. You still haven't explained why you were holding hands with her." I sneered.

Rob ran his fingers through his hair, he looked absolutely hopeless for a second, and for a second I felt sorry for him. "To be honest, that's something I can't really explain myself. I guess I got a little too caught up in the moment. It was fun to do something a little different with a different person for once. What do you want me to say?"

He was unbelievable.

"Nothing, don't say anything. Don't ever talk to me again Rob Miller. I hate you. Everything you say is a lie. You're literally after a girl who tries to ruin my life and put me down all the time, yet you like me? You're a fucking joke."


"Don't bother." I said, turning around to leave, but two strong arms wrapped around my waist, stopping me from going anywhere. "Let me go Rob!"

"No." was his only response.

"I'll make Sarah come out and kick your ass. I swear if-"

But I never finished my sentence because Rob spun me around and kissed me. Believe me, I still hated him in this moment, but who the hell could push away Rob Miller when he's kissing you? So I let it happen, and I kissed him back until I was breathless.

When we pulled away, I started crying. I know that's pretty dramatic, as well as surprising. Usually I never cried, but lately I had been really emotional.

I guess boys really did drive girls crazy.

Rob didn't say anything, just held me. After a while he repeated the words "I'm sorry" into my ear several times, and I began to calm down.

"Do you want her?" I asked quietly, hoping he could still hear me. My face was buried in his chest.

"No." he said.


He pulled me away from him, but continued to hold me, forcing me to look at him. "If I wanted her, I wouldn't have kissed you Heather. I made a mistake. I promise it won't happen again. I'm not the kind of guy who leads girls on. I know what mind games do to people."

"Sure." I said doubtfully.

"Please, believe me."

That's something I had a hard time doing with anybody in this town, but I decided this would be the last time I believed anybody, and I pushed my fears and thoughts away for a moment.

"Fine." I said.

"Thank you." Rob said. "I know it's going to take a while to earn your trust, but I'm willing to prove that I'm worthy of gaining it."

I nodded, and my mind went back Calvin and what he had said at the park. I felt even more horrible for what I was doing to him. He liked me, but I was too busy chasing after Rob, who I wasn't even sure I could trust anymore.

"I need some time to think about this. I saw Calvin today, and he's pretty pissed at me still. He knows that me and you have got something going on. I mean, if you could call it that." I said.

Rob nodded. "That's fine, I understand. You really need to figure out your feelings though."

"That's a pretty hypocritical thing to say." I snorted. "Especially coming from someone who-"

"Alright, alright. Maybe I need to take my own advice, but I'm telling you, Maddie means nothing to me."

"Is that so?" a voice said from behind Rob. I jumped and looked around him. I hadn't even noticed that Maddie had managed to sneak up on us, and I wondered just how long she'd been standing there listening to us. Probably long enough to get information about me to embarrass me with later.

Rob turned around to face her. "Maddie, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to know why the hell you ran off like a complete lunatic after Heather showed up." she said. "I mean, really, we were having such a nice time." she glanced at me when she said this.

"Are you here to try to create more conflict, because if so, you can fuck off." Rob said angrily.

"I can fuck off? Ha, you sure didn't want me to earlier. Admit it Rob, you're into me, and I don't know what you're telling Heather over here, but it's got to be bullshit. You held my hand for most of the time we spent together." Maddie said.

I shifted uncomfortably, suddenly feeling self conscious like I always did in her presence, and Abigail's too.

"We just shared a few common interests. That's the only reason I bothered letting you take me to a hang out spot."

"Hm, okay. We'll see how long you can keep up that lie." Maddie smirked.

"Why did you disappear after you found out I went out on a date with Rob?" I piped up. "Not to mention you told people about it." This question was definitely off the subject, but it was something I was dying to know.

Had she been plotting this whole time?

She only laughed and walked away.

But somehow, that answered my question.

A/N: Opinions??? Well, now we know that Maddie is the girl Rob went out with. How do you guys feel about that?

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