Authors Note<3

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my story! It really means a lot to me<3
I've worked on this story for quite some time now, because I want it to be perfect.
I don't really got any expectations to get a lot of readers and stuff like that I don't even know if I'm going to get any readers but I'm publishing this story anyways for my own sake.

I'm actually quite new on wattpad but recently I have read a lot of fan fiction and I was often like no I don't think that should happen or I think that should happen or whatever.. so I was like girl! Write your own freaking story so I can chose what I want to happen to the characters or whatever. So that's what I'm going to do now haha!

Please don't leave hate comments on stuff like "your english is so bad" or "you can't say that" or "you have a lot of spelling errors"! Like please dont do that because trust me I know I'm bad at english and I'm probably going to have a lot of spelling errors but guys english is not my first language so please don't judge! I'm doing the best as I can thanks<3

So now that we are talking about hate comments and that I'm going to give you guys a warning before you throw shade at me.

This story is based and taken inspiration from famous romantic teen movie or series!

This story can contain sexual scenes or harsh language so read on your own behalf!

Probably not sexual scenes but in case haha!

I've taking inspiration to this story from:
Bittersweetlove (my own story but it's bad haha)
10 things I hate about you

I think that was all I wanted to say so thank you again for reading my story!
I think my first chapter will be out in maybe like 3 days or so I want it to be perfect!

Leave a comment if u ship Hariana as bad as I do omg!!!
See you guys love u<3

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