She laughed, the sound booming around the room. Putting the wand back in the tube, she threw it at me. I barely caught it.

"Go put on your dress and finish your lashes. I'll be downstairs, dearie." She wasted no time before she whooshed out of the room and down the hallway.

A part of me wanted to rip apart everything in sight and find something to stab through her cold black heart. But a larger part of me, the coward, child, weak part of me that had always controlled my actions, waiting a minute. I gave myself a minute to breathe before I truly did stab her.

And then I looked through the closet, found the blue dress that I had hid, and slid it on. It was silky to the touch, and looking in the mirror, very flattering, even on my non-curvaceous body. I smiled at myself. If I couldn't cause her physical harm, I'd harm the part of her that thought she completely owned my actions.

I glanced in the mirror again. My eyelashes were coated in mascara, but obviously not as much as she wanted.

I threw the tube somewhere behind me in the closet and found a pair of blue high heels. I had never worn heels before, and they took some adjusting and practice walking before I glanced in the mirror one last time.

I looked pretty good.

Oh, this would piss her off.

I wasted no time in walking downstairs now. I knew she wanted me down quick, and I may have spent a little too long looking for these shoes.

When I descended from the stairs onto the first floor, I didn't notice all the people waiting in the hallway outside the ballroom. Or how they became silent once I came down. Of course, it had to be all of the royals, a few others, and Batilda.

I stared at all of them, gulping. Every eye was on me.

Sapphire was the one to break their silent stares. "You look amazing, Florence."

I breathed a half sigh of relief, knowing I didn't look horrible, but Batilda's look told me just how angry she was.

She walked towards me, that plastic smile on her face. "There's my beautiful sister. I was wondering when you were going to come down."

Her hand held my arm, and she led me towards where she had been, by someone with the same eyes as Finn.

He grinned brightly at me. "Who is this, Cassidy? I didn't know you had a sister."

She squeezed my arm, and to the guy I'm sure it looked reassuring, but it was a threat to me. She truly was pissed that I wore the nice dress.

"This is my younger sister, Florence. Florence, this is Isaiah, Finnegan's brother."

Isaiah laughed, holding out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you. How long have you guys been here?" He was looking at me, probably expecting me to answer.

Cassidy didn't skip a beat. "About a week or so. It's been wonderful." She sighed, a bright smile on her face.


Isaiah's smile faltered at her, and he turned his gaze back to me. "I do hope you've caused some trouble around here during that time," He lowered his voice, "because they all seem to have sticks up their asses recently."

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