The Beginning Chapter 1

776 28 37

Spring 2014

Los Angeles,  CA

The Grove Mall

Melanie:"Damn Celine how much longer? The line is getting full."

Celine:"I will be out in a second"

Celine steps out of the dressing room in front of her friend "What you think?"

Melanie:" Girl it look aight, now can we go?"

Celine:"Just aight!! See that's why I don't invite you shopping with me, you too damn rushy, trying to make a good impression tonight"

Melanie:"Must be a new client coming in"

Celine:"Something like that"

Melanie:"With that line of work, does it make you nervous?"

Celine:"It use to but now, I pretty much go with the flow, who would have thought in only 6 months of working there that my life would have did a major 360, I'm living good, damn sure eating good, and all my needs are met"

Melanie:"Not all your needs"

Celine:"Miss me with the you need a man talk....been there, done that, got a certificate now what??, its all about me this time"

Melanie:"Ok check you out, now can we go?"

Celine:"Fine let me change back into my clothes" She walks back into the dressing room to change.

All of a sudden Melanie hears screams and cheers coming from outside the department store and a crowd of people running out the store. Papparazzi cameras flashing.

Melanie:"All this noise got to be somebody famous walking through here"

Celine shouts from inside the dressing room "Girl go see who it is"

Melanie walks towards the front of the store entrance and sees a group of ladies walking by with security, and a trial of people behind them holding up posters.

Celine walks to the check out counter she shouts to Mel "Did you see who it was?"

Melanie walks back in the store which is almost empty joining Celine at the counter "Nah just three rock star looking girls walking by with an entourage"

Celine:"Hmmm..must be a local band"

Melanie:"All that noise from a local band?"

Cashier:"Your total is $1, 559.69 will that be all for you today?"

Celine gets out her credit card and hands it to the cashier "Yes ma'am"

Cashier:"I will be sure to wrap these nicely for you, are you ladies attending the concert?"

Celine:"Nah I have work tonight"

Melanie:"What concert?"

Cashier:"You ladies havent heard? 3rd Eye Girl is performing tonight at the Beverly Center, that's who you just saw walk by the store"

Celine:"Some female punk rock group?, nah...I will pass"

Melanie:"Yeah me too"

Cashier:"3rd Eye Girl is not just punk rock group, its  Prince's new group!!"

Melanie:"Oh shit did you say Prince as in....."

Cashier:"Yes the one and only"

Celine:"Ahhh his last few albums was meh......"

Cashier:"Ok suit yourself, if you two have time after work, you can at least come to the after parties, Prince throws the best parties!!"

Melanie:"Now you talking...Celine what's up, after party?"

Celine:"I don't know Mel"

Melanie:"Ahh come on live a little, or my bad will you be too tied down?"

Cashier clears her throat"Here is your receipt and bags"

Celine:"Thank you ma'am, write down the info to after party for me please"

Cashier:"Sure thing"

Celine and Melanie leave the store.

Celine:"What's all this live a little talk?"

Melanie:"You just been a party pooper lately"

Celine:"Just because I dont want to get fiflthy drunk at parties does not make me a pooper, Mel your too much"

All of a sudden a Celine is pushed into the side of the entrance door by a guy running through.

Melanie shouts "Hey watch it!!"

They guy stops in his tracks turns around and apologize

Guy:"I'm so sorry ma'am, are you ok?"

Celine:"I'm fine, just don't run over me the next time" she smiles

Guy:"I'm sorry just that well my boss is calling, and he is very demanding"

Celine:"Tell your boss to chill out"

Guy:"How about you can tell him that tonight, excuse me what are  your names?"

Melanie:"I'm Melanie"


Guy:"Nice to meet you ladies, my name is Kirk"

Celine:"Nice to meet you"

Kirk:"Well here is two vip passes to tonight show, for 3rd eye girl" He hands the ladies VIP badges

Celine:"Thanks but no thanks man, I got to work"

Melanie:"Does this include the after party?"

Kirk:"Yeah all access"

Celine:"See you at the after party"

Kirk:"Cool see you ladies tonight, I got to go" He runs off into the mall.

Melanie:"Girl its on tonight, that Kirk guy is fineeee, you know dark chocolate have me on high"

Celine:"Alright Melanie calm down, and don't be getting too wasted tonight, I will not adult tonight"

A/N New story readers!!! What do you all think?

Stay Tuned💜💜💜💜

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