Chapter 11

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All of this was giving me a headache. 2 hours after arriving in Diagon Alley, Severus is still talking.

"And we always obl-"

"Severus shut up. Please. Give me a break."

He stood with a confused look.

"What have I done?" He asked.
"For the past two hours you haven't shut up."

Now I know he is just trying to help me, but please, 2 hours of this world of magic. Uhhh take me back to Minerva.
"Can we go get my wand???" I asked.

This was the fifth or sixth time of me asking.
"Fine. Fine. We will go get it." He responded. He then muttered something so slightly for me to notice.

I ignored the grumble and skipped my way to Ollivander's.
"Ms. Mcgrauff, I was wondering when I would be expecting you. Ahhh, Professor Snape, nice to see you."

I walk over to Severus and whisper, "How does he know who I am???" He shrugged his shoulders and the pushed me towards the old man.

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated for a while. I have been so busy. Ttyl!!

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