Chapter 10

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Severus POV
Minerva said she was a witch. She wasn't just a muggle I saved. She was something more.

Heliana's POV
On our way to Diagon Alley, I felt like eyes were on me. I glanced. It was Severus. Every few minutes I would glance to see the one and only Severus Snape, Potions Master at Hogwarts a school of witchcraft and wizardry. The sunlight would reflect of his metallic fabric cloak. I never picture him in metallic, but it suits him.

"Heliana, are you even listening to me?? We are here."

I am shoken out of concentration.

"What do you want Severus??"
"We have arrived."

I noticed we had come to a stop and step of the carriage to see a pebbled road with stores left and right.
I turn around to get the full image and see in flashy lettering, "Gringotts".
"Severus what is Gringotts???"
"That is our first stop actually. It is the safest place in the world. Not including Hogwarts."

Sorry it is short. Need ideas please.

Xoxo Caitlin

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