Chapter 9

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"Heliana, we have 30 minutes till breakfast."

Why did he have to wake me up? I have so much info to think about still.

-5 minutes later-

"Heliana get up. Don't make me get the cold water."

Uhhh. I might as well get up.
"I have a cup with ice cold water. In 3, 2,-"

"Ok. I'm up. Don't think about it."

I jumped out of bed and forced Severus out of the room. I go over to my suitcase and pull out my clothes.

After changing into my clothes, I head to the bathroom and brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth I fix my hair into a side braid. I walk out of the bathroom and slip on my flats.

"Severus, I am done."

We walked up to the Great Hall and sat at the staff table.
"Heliana, nice to see you." Minerva said with a elegant smile.
"Good morning, Minerva."

After breakfast, we went back to his chambers and got a few things.
"Do you have any questions??".
"Yes. Who are my parents?" I don't know. Later we will ask Minerva. "

She grabbed his cloak and with a snap they were in busy alley.

Hey guys! I am sorry it is short. I am going to bed and will try to update tomorrow.

☁ Sleepy ☁

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