"So studying got you ungrounded?"


"That's awesome!"

"I know right. I don't mind it at all. No better way to spend my first day ungrounded."

"Honestly, I missed you so this is perfect."

I blushed. "I missed you too."

"You better have."

"I did, like a lot." I told him.

Soon after our waiter came and took our drink and food order.

"What's your favorite thing to eat?" Austin asked.

"Green olives." I said, "They're super good."

Austin made a face. "Ew."

"I love them so... What's yours?"

"Dill pickle chips."

"That's disgusting Austin."

"Better than green olives."


"Not really, olives are disgusting."

"Whatever." I said and rolled my eyes playfully, "I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"So I'll probably be leaving in the next month or even less because I'll be graduating pretty soon. I was wondering if you wanna do like long distance when I leave. I'm gonna be jumping in like halfway through a semester so I'm gonna be really busy probably, but what do you think?"

Austin mulled over it. "Let's do it."


"Yeah, I want to see us through," he said, taking my hand.

"Me too. I really like you and I want this to work."

"So we'll do long distance," he resolved.

"Yep, long distance."

"Well make it work."

"I know we will. Think I'll make friends there?"

"Of course."

"I have to go to Oliver soon and tell him."

"Alright, we can go after this if you want."

"That would be nice. I've haven't seen him in awhile. I hope he's doing okay."

"Well we'll check on him."


"Any time."

I smiled at him so glad he was my boyfriend.


Austin and I walked hand in hand to Oliver's house making casual conversation. It was nice and I really enjoyed just listening to him talk.

"You're so cute," Austin remarked after I attempted a lame joke.

"Thanks." I giggled, "You know Kellin told me something the other day. Like a day after our meeting thing.'

He smiled and kissed my cheek. "What?"

"He told me you bought condoms." I said trying to not laugh.

"I'm going to kill him," Austin sighed.

"Why? I think it's funny."

"You didn't need to know."

"Why did you buy them?"

"Don't worry about it," he hummed.

"Who do you plan on having sex with?"

Operation Friendzoned (Cashby & Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now