Chapter 20; Not Even a Goodbye

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I feel my heart drop to my stomach, and I feel sick. My eyes go wide, and my shoulders sag.

"I need to see her now." I say as I turn around and head toward the door.

Chelsea's POV

I hear the door open for the millionth time, and I can't help but hope it's Michael each time.

"Hello, it's me again" the lady nurse says sweetly.

I internally roll my eyes. She's sweet and all, but she isn't my Michael.

I hear rustling in the room next to me. I also hear muffled shouts.

"Sir! Sir! Please calm down!"

That must be Michael. My heart hurts for him. He must be worried sick, but I'm okay.

"Oh um, sir, you can't be in here"

Michael's POV

I barge into the room that Chelsea is supposed to be in, but the girl I see in that hospital bed is NOT Chelsea, it can't be.

"Oh um, sir, you can't be in here" her nurse says, but I ignore her.

I can't stop staring at Chelsea. She is surrounded by all kinds of machines, her head is wrapped in a bandage, she has a neck brace, both arms are in slings, and her legs are propped up in slings as well. And her face. Her gorgeous face is now swollen and red and purple. She was unrecongnizable.

I see her chest rising and falling at a normal, peaceful pace. But then I see one of the machine that's hooked up to her, literally pumping air into her and basically breathing for her.

"Oh my god" I mutter as I tear up.

I did this to her. Why couldn't that have been me?

"Sir, if you can please le-"

"Can I please just be with her... please?" I ask quietly, not taking my eyes off of my girl.

The frail nurse sighs. "I guess it would be okay... I will give you a few moments" and with that, she leaves and shuts the door behind her quietly.

Chelsea's POV

Oh my god it's Michael. He's actually here. I feel his hand touch mine softly.

"My beautiful baby girl" he hums as he strokes my hand.

The heart monitor machine starts to increase slightly.

He chuckles lightly. "Guess I really do make your heart race."

He then picks up my hand and kisses it softly. I so badly wanted to keep my hand on his face and caress his stubble.

"I'm doing okay" he mumbles. "I just-" he cuts off and stays silent for a bit. I swear I hear him choke and sniffle, but he continues to speak. "I just have a small cut above my eye. I guess my piercing got ripped out."

I feel his head press against my arm- he must be laying his head on my bed.

"The doctors said I had a few bruised ribs. It hurts, but it hurts me even more to see you like this" he rambles.

Bloodshot; A Michael Clifford Fanfic {5SOS} (COMPLETE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ