Wonderful Morning, Horrible Night; Chapter 18

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I woke up to Michael still cuddling me. He had his arms wrapped around my body and I felt safe and warm. I could lay like this forever.

I tried to carefully grab my phone on the side table, but he had both my arms locked to my side. I lifted his arm up slightly, but that made his grip only tighten.

I craned my head to an uncomfortable position, but I got to see his cute squishy face. His cheek is squished against his pillow and his eyes are closed peacefully. I just watch as he sleeps; I want to just call him 'kitten' so bad.

Soon, his eyes suddenly flutter open.

"Oh" he says deeply. My stomach does flips in every direction because OH MY GOD HIS MORNING VOICE.

'Calm down Chelsea' I tell myself as I try to not squirm.

"How long have you been awake?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh my god you're so cute." I say and giggle because I didn't even answer his question.

"Well you're gorgeous; especially right now." He does a half-smirk-half-smile thing.

I can't help but blush under his stare, so I bury my head in his neck.

He chuckles and squeezes me tightly. "I love you." He says softly.

I smile and look back up at him, "I love you too." I kiss him and then sit up.

"Are you okay?" He giggles and sits up with me.

"What? Yeah? I'm fine, why?" I ask.

"You just have a cute facial expression right now... Like you're thinking maybe? What are you thinking about?" Michael says, examining my face.

I look at him and flash a small smile. "I just wish I could tell you in different ways that I love you. I feel like just saying 'I love you' isn't enough at all. It honestly makes me upset." I laugh.

He laughs and his nose scrunches up. He's so fucking cute I can barely keep my hands off him.

"Well you can show me eventually I'm sure..."

I point at him aggressively, "See! You agree with me, right??"

"Well I just know what you mean. I wish I could tell you in a different way that I love you. But to be honest, words can't describe how beautiful you are, or how much I love you. So yes; I feel your frustration."

I stare at him, speechless. He raises an eyebrow at me like he's asking, 'what?'

"You're just so down to earth sometimes it's just amazing." I blurt my thoughts.

He just shrugs his shoulders and climbs out of his bed.

"I'm gonna go make us some breakfast." He says as he walks out of his room.

"Michael." I shout as I hear his footsteps on the stairs.

"Yeah?" He shouts back.

"You're naked." I say bluntly.

We both laugh. "My house, my rules." He states as I hear pots and pans clank together.

I roll my eyes at his statement. I sigh and put my clothes back on. I grab my phone and see that my mom still hasn't contacted me. She really trusted Michael and I, and that made me really happy.

I walk downstairs to find Michael's bare, white ass, sticking up in the air as he's ducking down into the fridge to find food.

"Woah who turned on the lights?!" I say as I laugh and cover my eyes like someone is shining a bright light into them.

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