Chapter 7; Rebuild

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We've been visiting Luke every day for a week. His health was improving every day, but his attitude and hate toward me hasn't faltered. I started feeling more and more heartbroken in a way. I just lost my best friend. Chelsea hasn't talked to me either. She found out that I beat up Luke and put him in the hospital, so she decided we weren't on speaking terms. Calum was frustrated with me, but he was the only one keeping me up. Ashton heard about it and was surprised, but that ball of sunshine always keeps me laughing. (A/N; That sounds pretty odd coming from Michael XD )

Although today, Luke was well enough to leave. He was back to his full health and full strength, and to say I was nervous was an understatement. I'm waiting in my room for Calum to pick me up and to get Luke back home. My phone buzzes on my side table. I flip it over and see it's a call from Calum.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey man." Calum starts. "So uh, I'm having car problems right now; I'm not sure how long it'll be. Can you go pick up Luke?" He asks hesitantly.

"Dude." I groan. "Can Ashton come? Can someone come? I don't want to go alone..." I mumble the last part of my sentence.

"Dude, he won't hurt you, he's too weak... Well probably not, but you and I both know he won't do it." Calum assures me.

"No. We don't know what he does to people he hates." I mutter.

"Dude please just go. It won't be that long. Just bring him to his house and leave. It's not like you guys are expected to be best friends by the end of the car ride." Calum chuckles to himself.

"Alright. Bye." I say and hang up.

I lay back down on my bed and sigh deeply. After sitting there for a little bit, I stand up lazily and walk downstairs and out to my car. I unlock it and get into the driver's seat unwillingly. I start the engine, and drive to the hospital; not knowing what lies ahead.


I walk into the the front doors of the hospital and approach the front desk.

"I'm here for uh- Luke Hemmings." I say to the nurse who was typing away at her keyboard.

She nods slowly and turns her head to the computer and glances at me through her eyelashes.

"Alright they say he'll be out in a few minutes." She informs me. She stands up slightly and points over to the waiting area; "you can sit there and wait if you would like."

I nod and walk over to the small chairs. I tap my foot nervously and impatiently. It felt like I was waiting for an eternity, not a couple minutes.

Finally, I hear the large doors open, the doors that lead to the hospital rooms. I turn around sharply and see Luke wearing a snapbackand black sunglasses. I knew Luke wasn't one of those faggots who wear sunglasses inside, so him doing this must mean his eyes were not completely healed.

I stand up cautiously and turn towards Luke. He stops in his tracks when he sees me.

He sees me and glares.

"You're taking me home?" He asks as he points at me and raised and eyebrow. "Where's Calum?"

I walk up to him and answer "he's ah- he's having car issues." I say as I rub the back of my neck.

"Alright." He sighs. "Take me home."

I lead him out the door. To our surprise, we see paps (A/N: Paparazzi) waiting for us near the doors. For all they knew, nothing had happened between us, and Luke and I were walking at a distance from each other that definitely made it look like we were angry. So I did what I would usually do, I grab onto Luke's arm and smile cheekily at everyone. When the group of men saw us and realized who we were, they shuffled over quickly to us and the flashes from their cameras start erupting in our faces. The constant clicks and shouts from the men start to get overwhelming, so I quicken my pace. I glance at Luke, he just had a death glare on his face. We had to at least act like we could tolerate each other, so then no one, especially our fans, would get worried. I hated seing Luke like this. I hated him talking to me the way he was. Finally we reach my car and I unlock it and get in silently. Luke gets in the passenger seat, buckles his seat belt, then stares silently ahead. That's all there was the whole car ride.

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