We continued doing this more and more and I just kept getting bulls eye. Mental note: might need this to make bets with. When we were done, we all put our things back. Chris bumped me and said "You'll never be one of us". "You have me fucked up. I never wanted to be one of anything. Fuck out of here with that!" I yelled. It's clear that this nigga want to fight so let's give him exactly what he wants. "Yeah you do. You're a stone cold hater and a fake ass nigga." he said. I laughed "You just described yourself that fast. I'm impressed. You met me what a day ago and you think you know me, That's even more funny." I laughed some more. I could tell that he was getting mad, I see his hands balling up, just waiting on that first swing so I can tear this nigga up. Out of nowhere, he swung, connecting with my face. "That's what I though-" he started to say before I two pieced the shit out of him. Fuck out of here with that wack shit. 

  "Get up bitch." I said as I took my gloves off. He got up and we got right to it. We were puching each other like it was nothing. I tackled the nigga to the ground and them got on top of him and continued to beat his ass. Never will you ever get away with putting your hands on me or purposely doing slick shit to me when I literally didn't do anything to you. I felt myself being yanked off of him. "Let me go! I'm going to fuck him up. If you come back to that building, have your hands up because I'm going to fuck you up every chance I get. Put that on everything!" I yelled as I was being dragged away. "Rylee chill!" the person said still carrying me away. They smart because of they weren't, I would've ran back and tagged that ass again. "Let me the fuck go!" I said trying to break out of their grip.

  "Run back to him and you're gonna be squaring up with me." they. I did a double take and looked at the person who I now recognized as Justen like he was crazy as he let me go. "That's not a problem with me. Wassup?" I said as I was about to square up with him as well. "I don't wanna fight can you just walk to the infirmary building right there?" he asked as I started to walk. "Hey Justen- What happened?" the nurse asked as we got into the building. "My campers were fighting. Talk about a good first day." he weakly laughed. "Have a seat baby and I'll get you cleaned up." she said grabbing some bandages and alcohol pads. Out the corner of my eye, I see the door open and Deonte, Marlon and Chris walk in. I restrained myself from jumping over the nurse and starting round two. "Ouch." I said as she dabbed the alcohol over my cuts. Shut burns ok?

  "Listen up, the both of you. No more fighting! It's the first day, can y'all just at least pretend to get along for the remainder of the day?" Justen asked. "Nope that would be fake of me so nah. He stay where he at, I'll stay where I'm at. He say one slick ass comment or try something slick stuff again then I will show him better then I can tell him to stay prepared." I said as i turned back to the nurse to finish letting her do what she was doing before getting up to leave. "Have a good day people." I said as I walked out the building and back to where the rest of our group was. 

Later That Day            

  "Um we're pretty much done for the day, so you guys can just chill out here. I can't let y'all leave just yet. Justen said as we all groaned. Chris hasn't said anything to me after our little altercation earlier but I noticed he distanced himself from Marlon and Deonte too. Welp. I was playing games on my phone until I heard someone cough, catching my attention. "Wassup." I said without looking up. "You good? Y'all was getting that shit in." the person said. I paused my game to see who I was talking to, Justen. "Yup. I'm good. Low key wanna beat his ass again but I'm going to be nice." I said as I resumed playing the game on my phone. 

  "Chill. I don't need to be catching any more heat today. It's not even worth it." he said making me laugh. "I guess your right. My bad." I said as I thought about what he said. "It's cool. How you liking your first day here?" he asked me. "It's cool. Besides that little incident that happened earlier, I'm liking mist of the people here. Was pissed when my mom just randomly signed me up out of the blue to come here but I'm glad she did." I said. I'm so glad my mom isn't here. She would've rubbed that shit in my face. "How are you feeling about our group? I know it's only the first day but I just thought I should ask." I said. "Y'all good. I can tell for the most part that we're gonna have fun after I break some of y'all out of your shells. I do see that we may have a few problems along the way but it's nothing that I can't handle." he said smiling. 

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