"When can I meet the little one?" she ask. The thought of this being some kind of scam has come to her mind many times in the last five minutes. 

"She is out on a play date right now. When she returns you'll be introduced. I can assure you Daisy is real." This time he turns around the picture frame on the desk. "If that's where your mind is going right now."

"Oh no... I.." Camila examines the picture of a little girl. "She is adorable!" she smiles at the picture. The little girl with sun kissed skin has long wavy brown hair. An angelic face that should be in a beauty pageant. Hazel eyes with deep green over powering the brown a bit. 

"She is. She's the light of my life. It pains me I haven't the time to care for her properly. It's been hard since her mother has past with working and all. But she'll never want for anything. Not a lot of seven year old's have it like she does." The salt and peppered hair man smiles down at the picture frame now in his hands.

"Like I said. I'm great with children. You won't have to worry." she replies when she sees the worry in the mans eyes.

"I believe you." he returns the smile. "Now let's get started."


After the legal jargon was discussed and Camila grew comfortable with Mr.Biggs, she walks the house with Hernandez, the maid who let her in. "...and this is the kitchen. I'll be in here most of time. Daisy will usually tell you when she's hungry but she's at that age where she's picky about what she eats." The young maid giggles. 

Camila runs her hand on the marble counter top. "This place is amazing. When will I stop being so star struck over it?" she jokes.

"Believe me, you'll get use to it. Just imagine having to clean it." Hernandez jokes back. 

"Aw don't worry..." Camila pauses trying to recall her name.

"Ally. You can call me Ally. Mr. Biggs is hell bent on using last names but I'm perfectly okay with it." The small girl smiles.

"Oh okay I wasn't sure. But yea like I was saying. I 'll clean up after myself, I promise." 

Ally nods her head in approval. "Girl I like you already!" They both laugh until a sudden small scream echos off the walls. "She's here!" the maids eye's go bright in excitement.

A little being comes running into the kitchen straight into Ally's arms. "Oh my gosh! I had soo much fun! Her mommy even said I can go over again soon!" The child coos throwing her little arms in the air.

"Aw yay! That's fantastic!" 

"Fantastic!" she mimics the maids word. 

Ally places the little girl on the floor. "Daisy, I want you to meet someone." Ally points over to where Camila stands by the island. 

Daisy looks shyly over. She pulls at the hem of her yellow and white polka dot dress. Then pulls her white cardigan tighter together. She rocks on the heels of her feet finally locking her hands together behind her back. The once loud and excited little girl, now completely quite and nervous.

The new nanny walks over to the little one. She crouches down to her height, taking her tiny waist in her hands. "Hey cutie, I'm Camila. I'm your new nanny." 

Little hazel eyes finally look up. Camila smiles as Daisy's glare softens.

"Daisy don't be shy." Ally encourages the small girl while rubbing her back. "She's normally not like this, she's probably just tired from playing all morning." She turns her attention back to the little girl. "A nap sounds nice right?"

Daisy (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now