Chapter 10 ~ Shattered

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up and got ready for Kiki's baby shower. By that I mean I put my armor on. I headed down the ladder and saw Laurance waiting for me.


"Hey! I wanted to walk you to the baby shower," he said.

"Uh, why?"

"Because, with everything that's going on, I want to know you're safe."

"You realize that I'm the one guarding the party, right?"

"Okay, fine. You got me. I just want to walk you there because I want to go with someone."

"That was pretty honest."

"Yup, now are you coming or not?" he said, offering his hand. I laughed and took it. Our fingers interlocked and we headed to the baby shower. I climbed up into a tree to keep watch on the party. I sat on a branch and kept an eye on the party. I thought of some of the memories that I had made ever since coming to Phoenix Drop. I smiled. Then, I noticed a strange mask in the trees. I decided to follow it, because it was really sketchy. I followed it to a forest. I turned and saw probably the most scarring thing I've ever seen.

Laurance and Lord Aphmau were
































I couldn't believe my eyes. The voices in my head were going insane. I felt tears start to stream down my face. I backed away and ran to the tavern. I need a drink. I sat down and I was given a root beer. I heard someone sit next to me and get the same thing.

"Rough day?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"You have no idea," I said taking a sip. I looked to my side and saw Garroth sitting there. His hair was a mess and his expression was emotionless.

"Hey Garroth," I said. He didn't reply.

"You saw the mask, didn't you?"


"And you followed it like me, didn't you?"

"Yup," he said, taking a drink from his root beer.

"Well, after being brutally shattered by the same person twice this week, I've learned something that I was hoping I wouldn't need to learn," I said.

"And what is that?" Garroth said, his voice drowning in his pain.

"Never love again." He let out a very weak smile at my statement and he finished his drink and left. I on the other hand had two more.

"(Y/N)! I've been looking all over for you!" I heard a voice that I never hoped to hear say. I didn't respond. He sat next to me.

"(Y/N), are you okay?"

"Ugh, I need to go on patrol," I said as I started to walk out. He grabbed my hand.

"(Y/N), you're not okay. What's wrong," he asked with concern in his voice.

"I'm fine," I said, jerking my hand from his and walking out. I ran to the guard tower and sat in the corner of the weaponry. I sat there and cried until I felt like there was no more water left in my body. I fell asleep on the floor there.

Lillian's POV (ooh!~ new POV!)

I took out my communication amulet and called the High Priest Zane about the possible new recruits.

"Zane, I have recently discovered that (Y/N) does indeed reside in Phoenix Drop with Aphmau," I said.

"She's there with her? Katelyn mentioned nothing of this. Hmm," he replied.

"Also, your brother saw the trap we set up for (Y/N). Should I wipe his memory of seeing this?"

"No, leave it be. This is much better."

"This has obviously greatly affected both of them. We know (Y/N) would be a perfect recruit, but what about Garroth?"

"He would be perfect for the new role that just opened up," he said. I hung up. This was going to be fun...


661 words

Well, now you've done it Laurance.

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