Chapter 9 ~ Baby Shower?

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up and went to go check on Kiki. Then, I went back to the guard tower. I saw Laurance sitting at the window.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey (N/N)," he replied.

"Premature," I mumbled.

"You said you wouldn't call me that!"

"Well, I lied." I sat next to him.

"How's Kiki?"

"Good, just tired. Where's Dante and Garroth?"

"Garroth went on patrol and Dante said he was going to do some training." We just sat and talked for a bit. I was trying so hard not to bring up what happened with Aphmau. Then, I noticed Lady Katelyn coming ashore. I looked at Laurance and we rushed down the ladder. By the time we reached the bottom, Lady Katelyn was waiting for us.

"Lady (Y/N), Laurance, I saw a light shine from here last night. Was that a Zonaralian pendant?" How did she know?

"Yes," I said. Laurance looked at me like I was crazy. I looked back at him, signaling that I knew what I was doing.

"May I see it?"

"I apologize, Lady Katelyn. The pendant is currently in a safe place and cannot be brought here at this time," I said, trying to hide my confusion and curiosity.

"Thank you for your time. I will take my leave," she said. She turned around and two of her guards met her.

"I'm going to go on patrol now," I said, starting to walk the other way.

"(Y/N) wait," Laurance said. I turned around.

"Be careful," he said. I smiled and left. It's really weird. The strange voices kept becoming clearer. I don't know what to do. I was finally able to make out one thing; Join us.

~Timeskip to night brought to you by unicorns and rainbows~

I walked back to the guard tower and Dante came running up to me.

"(Y/N)! The guards have been called into an emergency meeting," he said, handing me an amulet.

"What's this for?"

"It's a communication amulet, so you can listen in."

"Thank you," I replied. Then, he ran off. I went to the guard tower and sat at the window waiting for the meeting to start. When it did, I listened closely. When Lucinda said that there was no aura radiating off it, I found that a little strange. If I was hearing everything correctly, then that means that maybe the bonding of the pendants may have been the cause of me being able to hear the voice clearly. I put that on the back of my mind so I could continue listening. Then, Zoey said something about a baby shower! Whoop! Whoop! The guys started talking about the baby shower and not going, and Dante saying babies are cute. All dat stuff. Then Laurance being Laurance said, "My babies would be major cuties. Just announcing that to the world in case some beautiful girl wanted beautiful babies." I facepalmed. Oh My Irene, just kill me now. When the guys came back, we discussed what happened at the meeting and I told them about the voice thing.

"This is really weird," Garroth said.

"I know," I replied.

"We should probably get some rest," Dante said. We all agreed.


505 Words

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