Chapter Sixteen

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I hummed, waking up happily under thick, warm blankets as I shifted a bit, feeling someone underneath me. I looked up and saw that I was laying on Shawn's chest and I smiled to myself, closing my eyes soon after.

I felt hand rub my back gently and I yawned softly. "Morning love." He muttered and I rubbed my eyes.

"Morning Shawn." I hummed and I heard his phone go off. "It's right behind me. I'll get it if you want."

"Yeah, please?" He asked and I reached behind me. "It's probably my dad, or Layla, maybe even Toby or Emerald."

I answered his call and he shifted in bed, wrapping an arm around me. "Hello?" I asked and the other line was quiet.

"Where's Shawn?"

"Uh, sleeping?" I answered in confusion. "I'll take a message for him if you'd like."

"Could you wake him up?" The guy asked. It kind of sounded like his dad, but I wasn't sure.

"Um, sure?" I muttered and then handed it to Shawn. "Hey, Shawn? He wants to talk to you."

"I'm tired." He complained and I ran a hand through his hair. I held the phone up to his ear and he hummed. "Yeah?"

"No, we just got things for christmas. Yes. We're going to Toby's during Christmas eve... dad, you know that's not a good idea. I understand, but... fine. Just come over on Christmas day then. Yeah. Alright. I don't have a choice really. Whatever. Yeah bye. Okay, see you soon." He spoke and then looked at me.

"He's coming over on Christmas."

"I heard." I told him and he smiled smally. "It's fine. That's your family. Don't leave him lonely on Christmas all for me."

"I just don't think it's fair..." He trailed off and I shrugged my shoulders. "It's not fair my dad can be here, but you can't be with your family."

"I'll get over it. It's fine." I tried to convince him, but I knew he didn't believe me. I wouldn't have either.

"I'm hungry," I said, quickly changing the subject. "Do you want anything to eat?"

"I'm don't get to cook? Yes please." He joked and I laughed as I sat up, setting his phone down on the dresser. "What are you gonna make?"

"Pancakes." I replied and he nodded. "Come on, you gotta come downstairs with me. I'll cook, but I just need company."

"Alright, I can do that." He smiled and I got out of his bed, dressed in a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. "Also, we have to go to a Christmas party he's throwing next week."

"Great." I muttered sarcastically and he chuckled as he sat up, getting out of bed. He had sweats and a hoodie on, and looked extremely cuddly.

We went downstairs and I opened the fridge to grab milk and eggs. "Would you like some music?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

He played a Drake song and I danced around the kitchen as I made the pancake batter. He laughed lightly and I smiled, measuring and pouring flower into the batter. I just hope I don't screw this up.

"Hey, you want to go shopping today? We can go to the mall or whatever and buy some things. You know, since we aren't doing gifts, might as well just buy ourself things." He offered and though I really didn't want anything, I agredd just for the sake of leaving the house again.


Shawn and I walked around the mall, a few bags in our hands already. Our hands were intertwined, swinging lightly between us as I looked through shop windows and parents arguing over what their kid wanted.

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