
"They dont want me here" Chantel says while crying in the room with me and LaNiya. Syndey is off playing in my niece Crystal room.

"Dont say that" I say rubbing her back.

"You saw the way they just got up an left when I came in? My own blood wont even speak to me nor look at me.. Only if they lemme explain'' she says.

"You dont have to explain nothing to them... I'll do it.. But as of right now get some sleep" I say turning back the covers in the twin bed. She has the twin bed while me and LaNiya are sharing a queen bed. Just enough room for us.

"Please talk to them for me" she says.

"I will boo... Get some rest" I say an kiss her forehead. She nods her head an drifts off to sleep. I walk in the kitchen to find all the boys making them a sandwich.

"We need to talk" I say grabbing me a blue gatorade.

"Told yall ass she was finna come mess with us" Joshua says.

"Why yall doing that girl like that?" I ask them.

"Shit aint sweet over here." Kjay says biting his sandwich.

"You her brother Kjay you should be the main one worried about whats going on with her an why she did it" I say.

"I know she told you/... So whats up why she did it?" He asks. I begin to tell them what happen an all their face expressions change. I could tell that there heart went from cold to warm.

"They raped my sister?" Kjay asks covering up his face.

"I told yall they had to do something to Chantel to make her turn against us. She was so scared of telling someone because she knew they'll kill her" I say.

"So what we do now?" Jaheem asks opening up some oreos. I swear all the snacks gone be gone with all these niggas in the house now.

"Ion no bout y'all but Im finna find Meek" Tyrone says.

"No the fuck" I say grabbing an oreo. The double stuff kind was on point.

"We all made an agreement to let this shit die down... An thats what we gone do" I say.

"Mhmm'' Joshua says making eye contact with all the boys.

"Im serious!" I say 

"Whatever... Lets play the game" he says to the boys an they all follow him except for Kjay.

"Ots gone be ok... When she wakes up talk to her" I say kissing him on the cheek. "Now get up an go play the game with the boys"

"I love you" he says grabbing my left ass cheek.

"I love you too... Now lemme go" I say. He moves in for a kiss an sucks on bottom lip. I push him in the chest.

"Number one rule remember?" I say.

"Yea yea yea" he says an walks out the kitchen. I love Kjay with all my heart. I really do.. Just the shit he does that pisses me off. They aint never lied when they said love hurts. This love that Im dealing with hurts like a mofo. But at the end of the day we both know where we stand.

"Stop day dreaming about Kjay" LaNiya says while coming in the kitchen.

"Whatever" I say to her. Me and her both havent really talked out our problems since we had that fight. LaNiya was my sister an all but she needed to watch the things she do. I didnt have no type of problem with her and never will.

"You know i was right" she says getting a bag of chips and a soda.

"We aint gone have no food at all dealing with yall ass" I say laughing.

"These baby symptoms are really kicking in" she says covering her face.

"Its gone be ok" I say. kissing her forehead.

"Auntie Diamond I hungry" says Sydney.

"What you want to eat?" I ask her. She so pretty. She favors Honey with every feature.

"Sandmich" she says making me smile.

"Ok baby girl" I say starting to prepare her sandwich.

"Lets go get you washed up" LaNiya says taking her to the bathroom.. As Im making the sandwich a scent of weed hits me in the face. This gonna be a lonnnggg couple of weeks with these niggas.


 Saturday was finally here. Today was Honey funeral. It was going to be another sad day today. Syndey was holding up pretty well. She knows her mother was never coming back but she was a strong baby.

"Cant believe Im at another friend funeral LaNiya" says already crying as we're walking in the church. Its filled with mostly kids from school. I pointed out her mother an father. They didnt look to pleased at all. They gave me a evil glare. I guess I'll be having to deal with them after the ceremony.

"Are you Diamond?" Asks Honey mother.

"Yes Ma'am" I say.

"I want my grandchild back" she says to me look at Sydney. She hides behind my legs.

" I dont wanna go with her" she cries.

"You're not... Uncle Tyrone is here for the rescue" Tyrone says picking her up.

"You're not her uncle so quit it... Im going to get her back cause Im her real family" says the evil bitch.

"You're her real family? So where were you when her an Honey was on the streets sleeping huh?" I ask.

"Whats going on over here?" Kim asks coming along with Robert and Grandma.

"Honey mom wants Syndey back" I say crossing my arms over my chest an sizing the bitch up.

"The devil is a lie.... DCF already gave her to us.. Its to late now" My grandma says.

"Amen to that" Kim says while holding Crystal. 

"Like I said... I will be getting my grandchild back sooner than you think... See y'all in court" she says an walks away.

"I dont want that lady to have her" I say standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of water, Everyone else is off in there rooms. Its just me Kim and Grandma.

"An shes not Diamond... From how she already treated them they're not gonne allow her to get Sydney" Granny says.

"I believe we can raise her our selves... I gotta job I can buy her things throw her parties.. Holiday... I can handle this" I say.

"We're all gonna handle this" Kim says while puting Crystal to sleep.

"Enough of this tho.. Diamond me and Kim has something to tell you" My granny says with a serious face.

"Whats up?" I ask scared to here what its about.

"Its about our Mother" Kim says.

"What about her?" I ask thinking about my beautiful mother. She was a mother that any girl would want. Loving, caring. honest. Could talk to her about any an everything.

"Shes..." Then the door bell rings. 

"I GOT IT!" I say rushing over to the door. "Who is it?" I ask.

"Diamond... Baby girl its me! Open up!" Says a familiar voice. Its so calm and sincere. When I open it my heart sinks.....

Chapter 48 will be posted later on tonight! I PROMISE! This book should be done by next weekend if not that by the middle of  the week 

Thug Love HurtsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ