"You better not drive like a freaking maniac." Snapped Kotori.

"Cousin. Chill pills. It's vacation governor."


"Well Commander fall back and know your place."

"Fine." She huffed.

"Oh come on sis you can use a day. Quit being so mean. Put the white ribbons in for crying out loud. Be the happy and giddy Kotori. The one that makes me laugh like hell in the morning."

"Laugh how?" She thought.

"You kicking Shido when he sleeps in."

"(FN) you're killing me."

"Brother Shido hasn't had one in a while. Tempting."

"Great." Sighed Shido.

"We should get a move on." Insisted Reine.

"Right let's take off."


So arrive at the hot spring and Origami is waiting. She's leaning up against the wall reading a book.

"Hey Origami."

"Figured you'd be here."

"What does that mean?"

"I calculated you would be here seven minutes and eighteen seconds faster."

"Traffic probably. Wait calculate my position how?"

"Classified dear."

Dear? Classified? What the hell man.

"Shido let's get in the water it looks like it's just all of us." Chimed Tohka.

"Yes (FN) join me in the bath."


"What? Something wrong?" Origami hugged you.

"Think you're a bit excited for this?"

"You mean being the bath with my boyfriend?"

"What have I done?" Kotori asked with her dropping from the last remark.

Momentarily Tohka, Yoshino and Yoshinon are enjoying their first ever hot spring. Both are in a very happy state of mind.

"Shido, (FN) come in. It's so warm." Said Tohka.

"You heard her. Except come with me." Said Origami while clinking onto your arm.

"Okay. Let's go in." You slowly get into the bath and soak. Origami follows next to you. She's still clinging to you which worried you since your bodies are touching.

"No nosebleeds in the water handsome."

No promises. Oh God I don't like this. Such a bad idea.

"Woman. Give him space." Grumbled Tohka.

"Can't we get along?"

"Fine. But I don't take Shido away from you. Shido's a good friend too."


"Yes (FN)?"

"You two can't agree on anything can you?"

"Doubt much Cuz." Laughed Shido.

"True Shido. But the water's hot. And I feel like a billion yen. Speaking of which Origami you were free?"

"Commander wanted a squad off day. They went to another one and some took a personal day." She replied.

"Guess you did both."

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