She wants to talk to you

Start from the beginning

I knew he wouldn't let them spill over because he wasn't that type of person. I heard someone walking to the door and knock. Wait no one knocks in this house except the guards. OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE MY KIDS DONE THIS TIME?!?!?

I opened the door to see a guard before or could even start speaking I stopped him.

"I'm sorry for what ever pranks the kids have done but there is no need to put them in the cells... again. I thought we talked about this kids DO NOT go in the cells where we put rouges and murders and crazy wolfs!!"

"Beta Lexi I am not here about your children I am here for another reason."

"Are there rouges on the territory if so then put all the non fighting she wolfs into the safe house with the children."

"No beta there are no rouges on the territory we know of."

"Ok then what is it then god spit it out for god sake I'm getting impatient with you!" I said getting angry at this stupid guard.

It looked like he was getting angry at me as well though because I could see his wolf starting to come out you could see his eyes start to flicker from light brown to charcoal black.

"ALPHA CELESTE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" He shouted at me and stormed away slamming the door almost splitting the wood.

I started to hyperventilate.

I can't breath.

"Tiger, Tiger look at me." I'm a minuet away from dropping to my knees sobbing Luca grips me around the waist and picks me up and sits down and puts me on his lap and cuddles me.

"Ok Tiger look she wants to see you. That means she remembers you, but you have to go in by yourself because I don't want my presents there to be Amy de stress to her and a I want you to talk to her by yourself you need to do this by yourself and figure this out."

It's like he could sense that I was about to interrupt him because he put a finger to my lips. Placed me on my own 2 feet in the floor and took my hand and started walking "I will walk you there of corse Tiger, but you have to talk to your best friend, laugh, cry together with out me." Luca said with an emotionless face.

We where almost there and I was second guessing myself. What if she was talking about someone else and they got it wrong and seeing me would hurt her. There where so many what ifs going through my mind I didn't notice Luca letting go of my hand and put it on the door knob and pushing it down effectively opening the door.

Blood was rushing to my ears my hands where clammy I could hear my heartbeat in my ears so hard I almost missed something very important.

"Lexi is that you?" I hear a broken voice of my best friend. I let out a shaky breath and opened the door so I could me pay- I mean Celeste and she could see me.

My legs gave out seeing A once strong woman now weak and feeble is not who I planned on her looking. Celeste ripped out her iv's dripping blood every where to come and help me.

She lifted me effortlessly and placing me on the bed and sitting next to me cuddling my weeping body.

"Wait shouldn't it be... me cuddling you ... me consoling you not the other way around?"

"Hay I don't mind I like cuddling you again to be honest." We both laughed.p

Just like Luca said for the next 3 hours we laughed we cried we smiled and we pouted. she told me everything just like I asked she left out no detail because I know when she is lying to me.

"Luca he's your mate right, he has a really woody and minty scent right?" Celeste asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked getting kinda confused. I was glad she remembered him and all but why ask about his scent.

"Because he's been sitting outside the door the whole time and I'm not sure he's doing to well on what happened to me and I think Tobias is out there as well." she told me looking scared and like she was planning something.

"Wha-" Celeste covered my mouth and mouthed to me to get a pen and pencil I nodded to show I would find them. when I did I gave them to her and she was writing away.

'What are we going to do we can't just let them listen in on us like that. Now they know everything I wanted to tell Tobias by myself. it's not fair!!' I read and only saw that she was now crying.

'Celeste baby it's ok, it's ok.But I know you haven't told me everything and while they are listening you don't tell me or write it you tell Tobias an please make him pay for listening in on you and not waiting for you to tell him.'

"So baby you want to know what to do? tell him everything."

The female alpha *UNDER REVISON *Where stories live. Discover now