his poem

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ok u guys deserve cuteness I'm sorry
Also tysm for your support,, I can't thank you enough!!



"I LOVE BAD BITCHES AND THAT'S MY FUCKING PROBLEM!" A kid shouted from the center of the classroom. Surrounding students slammed their hands on their desk, swing their heads, and hold their stomachs as they laughed hysterically to the tempting student. Echoing and drowning the room with their voices as I couldn't dare to let my breath escape my lips.

The teacher sternly glared along the eyes that met with the floor. No one hesitated to look at the teacher as her presence beamed throughout the room. I was wondering whether their laughter was out of fear or amusement or a mix of both then.

I glanced to the teacher to find her gray, glassy eyes creep slowly to my side of the classroom. I looked down to see my poem. Words are scratched out, triangles are on the corner when I got bored. I couldn't turn this in. It was absolutely valueless even compared to the blaring child who has no sense of filter in his vocabulary.

"Tsukishima. I would like you to reread the sonnet on the paper I passed out to everyone. It seems like there are student a who inadequately..." Her words suddenly felt so detached from me. Maybe because I don't need to hear her lectures about other students. There's a small handful of them, why not kick them out? Ugh. How hard is it to remove students? All I do is merely say "Yes ma'am." Yet I'm called on. There's more charismatic kids and shy people. I'm just a fucking no body. I can't fucking write a dumb poem about my mom.

"Kei!" A kid threw their pencil onto my desk as I flood out the thoughts in my mind.

"Sorry ma'am." With that, I reread the sonnet. No one else disrupted class as the teacher continued to talk and called out students. My mind kinda just focused in and out. I just wanted to finish my poem before the school day ends, since she's letting us turning it in before the doors are locked.

I'm grateful for that, but will it mean anything to a shitty poem like mine? I glanced around around to see kids only having one stanzas when the requirements were three. I saw doodles on the many papers of students before I briskly saw a poem as long as the page. Show off.

I silently sighed and slid down my seat. I am hopeless. I looked again at my dumb poem:

I seek the name,
Of what I called a game.
Running feet going nowhere.
Speaking words other's do not dare.

I seek the game,
Of me winning.
I'll earn the fame,
Of which we didn't ----- ------- ?? ...

If only I could roll my eyes into the back of my skull, so I would have saw the emptiness swallowing up everything I ever thought. Instead, I bit my lip. Maybe I should write about writing poems. This is all so dumb. I'm never this frustrated. It's merely a poem. I can fake meaning into words if I just say it right. Yikes.

(Anime School Bell Ring)

"As of that, I will lock my doors after two hours. No assignments will be accepted after. Enjoy your day from turning in all of your assignments..." The guilt she had woven into her bell speeches always lingered on us. It's weird since I do all of my work anyways. It was her class that I wanted to finish first.

I stayed after with a few other students and decided to rhyme winning with sinning.

Of which we weren't --sinning--.


I briskly stood from my seat making my chair slide back a few inches in the wood floor. A few eyes glance at me before disregarding it. I absolutely bullshitted this assignment and I am ready to be yelled at tomorrow.
Maybe other's are worst? Surely, mine is trash.

I jogged around the track a few laps before making my way to the volleyball club gym. They didn't mind if I was late. I was fairly best-fitted at this game, and I needed to handle my studies as well.

"Tsukishima? You're later than usual today?" Daichi called me out. He held the volleyball in his hands as his eyes scanned me. "Did you just have sex?"

The back of my neck immediately warmed up with my lips curled down. I retorted, "No! I jogged before getting here. How can I manage to have sex here?" I looked at myself, I was in a fairly tight shirt and some gym shorts. I didn't have a boner. How did this idea pop up?

"I noticed how lately you've been tardy to club. I just assumed you had a girlfriend." Daichi bluntly said.

Ouch, what hurt more? Not having a girlfriend or the fact I studied too much.

Suga curled aside Daichi, "Oh don't be silly! Leave him alone. He's doing his part of the team though you don't act like you're in a team."

"You mean Kageyama?" I stare down at The King™. He smirked with wildfire passing through.

"Oh, you know what I meant Tsukishima. You don't attach yourself to this team." Suga smiled like as if flowers are meant to bloom from his presence.

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't possibly work harder than I should for something I'm not fond of. I didn't necessarily try on my poem. I shouldn't try that hard in volleyball.

othing is permanent.

Merely memories are all there is.


I came back to my class with exhaustion swallowing me up. My eyes droop with my dragging feet. People glance at my way as I usually had a nice form and such. I don't blame them. I don't care. I'm exhausted. I stayed up studying poetry so I wouldn't late to club.

My seat scratched against the floor with peering eyes. I yawned as I settled in. I should straighten up before my teacher yelled at me.


I saw a corner of a paper sticking out from the storage under my desk. I gently tugged the corner to find handwriting that isn't recognizable. It doesn't look like anyone's I personally know as I scanned over it. Wait...

Tsukishima is the being of which no one knows.

Why is my name in it?
Should I read it????????
Fuck it.

Crisp roses dabble against my counter.
Dried up flowers hang from my ceiling
Like your words inside my echoing mind.
Simple things like Hello and Good morning are wrapped
In silk ribbon and tied with a bow.
These simple memories are mine to dry up.
Tsukishima is the being of which no one knows.
Perhaps this given flower cherishes it for you.

- your never-ending admirer

Oh, someone genuinely has a crush on me? Am I actually blushing now? I glanced around the classroom  to see if the admirer was looking towards my direct or if anyone was strange. No one seemed to be out of the ordinary. Empty seats are still vacant. Students chat amongst one another. A kid with green hair seems to be sleeping.

I fiddled with the paper a bit as I reread it. Perhaps there's  a clue? Maybe something leading to it being a prank? I turned the paper over to see a purple flower taped to the back with scotch tape. It was so thin that I didn't realize it was on the paper. It was actually really pretty. Who would've known pressed flowers are nice?

Maybe I should just enjoy this secret admirer rather sabotage myself. Who knows, they might be cute.


this took too long smh
I apologize.

Hope you enjoyed this!
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