early worm

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hope u enjoy!!


"Tsukki, let's go jogging." I whisper gently to Tsukki, yet I'm also shaking his body rather violently. I've been trying to wake him up for the past ten minutes, but no luck. He's wiped out from last night's fun.

"Tsukki-" I held the 'i' with my breath crawling against his neck. I see him twitch under me before he starts to move around. "Babe?"

"Ugh..Mm.. Yams..." He groans before wrapping his arm around my neck and snapping it. Just kidding, he probably felt like that from waking him up so early. His arm drags me down to his twin sized bed that I just awoke from. His arm moves to my waist with a tight squeeze following. I squeeze his arm with my hand with reassurance.

"Tsukki." I repeated his name, but the same milky feeling flows down my throat. I can say his name forever. "Tsukki."

"Yams. I am awake." Tsukki groans once more while stretching out his limbs as if to pop them out of socket. "What time is it?"

"Uh, like five." I avert my eyes to his muscular thighs.

I slightly lick my lips.

"Ugh. Okay. I'll get up." Tsukki scrambles between myself, the blankets, and his mattress. He firmly presses onto the wall aside him with his hand to hold himself steady almost. He glances at me and to the night stand. I quickly pick up his square-framed glasses to enhance his view.

Enhance, that blind bat.

Tsukki leans in for a soft peck on my cheek. His tender lips sooth my body, yet excite it with unbeatable butterflies. My cheeks rise up with heat as he withdraws slowly- almost teasing me.

"Hmph." I sigh when I want a little more, but once I want more, I won't stop. His devilish smirk wipes across his face before lunging onto me, rolling over, having me fave up to him. His grip on my shoulders tighten once my breathing becomes heavy. Words caught in my throat despite a sharp gasp cutting through me.

I swallowed down my words and cravings, "Let's go jog."


Tsukki lightly kisses my forehead before springing off the mattress. His weight lifted, and I bounced on the bed with my eyes never leaving Tsukki.

He lifted his shirt up revealing his toned, pale skin like smooth white sand. "Aren't some of your clothes here? Let's change."

"Okay, Tsukki." I bite down on my lip regarding his shirt being thrown across the room.


smol sexy reference (wiggles eyebrows)

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on this chapter and the last for more shitty cuteness

I luv u xoxo cercerish

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