"Are you okay??" She asked.

The boy was now being scolded by the other girl.

"John!! You made her cry!"

You wiped your tears.

"Hey," she moved some hair from your face

"Are you okay?" She asked again

You felt a knot in your throat. Instead of talking, you decided to nod your head.

"I'm sorry, he does that. Alot. He pranks everyone. He probably didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's o-okay..." You choked out.

She walked over to the boy.

John, was it?

You don't know.

He soon came back over to you.

Scratching the back of his head, his eyes were filled with guilt.

"H-hey, I'm sorry about that, hah..."

There was silence.

You turned your head away from his face to show your reluctance.

You didn't forgive him

"Are you okay?"

You struck a certain glare at him that said do I look 'okay'?

The other girls walked away.

He looked down, then noticed your knees were bleeding. Even you forgot about it.

His eyes widened slightly.

"Y-your knees!" He said

"Did I do that too? Oh man, I feel terrible."

Yeah. So did you. Mentally and physically.

"I can help you-"

"It's fine." You said in an unforgiving tone.

You walked around him wearily, when he grabbed your free hand.

"Let me help you! Just this once. I really am sorry."

You turned and looked at him.

You sighed.


He picked you up bridal style out of nowhere

"Hey! This was not-"

"Just trust me. It'll hurt worse if you walk."

You knew he was right.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, and rest your head against his chest, carrying your Violin in your lap.

He carried you to the nurse's office and set you on one of the beds.

You sat on the edge.

The nurse soon came and bandaged your knees.

"You're good to go" she said happily.

You stood up a little shaky, but got used to it after a few steps.

You grabbed your Violin case and left the nurse's office, not really caring if you left that boy behind.

Since, well, he started this anyway.

"What will my parents think?? Ughhhh" you murmured.

"If they don't believe it when you tell them you were chasing someone, tell them you fell. Either way it's not lying."

You turned around.

Making an angered, and irritated expression, you spoke.

"God! What do you want now??"

"Isn't it customary I take you back to class?"

You looked to both of your sides, twice.

Then whispered

"I wasn't in class."


He did the dorkiest smile/smirk.

"Shut up! Why were you out of class too huh?"

"I went to the bathroom. Then I saw you, and saw a good opportunity to prank you."

"FYI pranks are supposed to be funny."

"It was."

You made an expression, implying really now?

"Uuuuuntil I made you cry. T-then it wasn't...really funny..."

"Uh, yeah."

The bell rang.

"Just, stay away from me, okay?"

He made a sad face, as students piled out of classrooms.

You had a sense of guilt in your stomach.

You lost him in the crowd of people, finally. You never wanted to see him again.

John X Reader ~Listen To The Melody~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora