Oh dear

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The WHOLE day I was cringing. There's this kid Scar,(That's the noun he used to describe himself but I'll get to that) that just like UGH, I don't know where to start.
Ok, ok, ok, I was asking people if they knew what a muggle was, (and if they didn't know they were a muggle) and Scar overheard my asking and yelled, "You're a muggle!"
Siriusly, I wasn't going to let that slide, so I said to him, "Excuse you, I am 100% witch, and more magical than you can ever hope to be!"
OOOOoooOOoHh! *cough* Sorry.
So the whole day he was screaming "spells," (Avada KedABA) *rolls eyes*
So I asked him if he had a Pottermore account, and he said yes. But he couldn't show me because the wifi was down. It wasn't.
So the whole day I harassed him about not knowing and THIS IS WHAT HE SAID, "I don't know, some people are just Pottermores, and some aren't."
By then I was ready to write on Wattpad about this, and I asked what noun he would use to describe him, and he said, "OOH OOH, SCAR." While repeatedly drawing a lighting symbol on his head. Oh dear, I just rolled my eyes and didn't even tell him I was going to publish this. Then he started telling me I'd love his cousin because they're a huge HP fan. "They're even bigger of a fan than me."
Then you had my hopes WAY too high for them to be a bigger Potterhead than you. Oh dear...

I'm sorry I had to rant all that, I just needed someone else to cringe with.

Peace and Love Everyone, bye!

Life's Continuous Rants (RANTS 2)Where stories live. Discover now