'Ok, let me just go grab he ultra sound machine and we'll take a look at the little one.' He smiled

Softly, but his eyes hinted that he was worried.

'Morning.' I rolled my eyes as my mothers cheery voice rang through the room. What timing this

Woman had. 'Zak honey what's going on?' She gasped when she saw Zak, lying half shirtless on the

bed with Tears in his eyes, holding his belly.

'He's just in a bit of discomfort and Micky's going to take a look at the baby to make sure

Everything's fine.' I explained as she came and sat on the other side of Zak, taking his hand in hers.

'Right, this is going to be cold.' Micky smiled as he squirted gel onto Zak's belly. He shuddered

When the cold gel hit his warm skin. 'Right let's say hello to your baby.'

Zak and my mother chuckled. I watched the screen a little nervous after seeing Micky's expression.

I knew he was trying to make Zak feel better with the light hearted banter and all that but he wasn't

Fooling me.

'Everything looks fine. Your coming close to your due date, so you'll experience some discomfort

In the next few weeks.' Micky said after printing off the pictures, which Zak and my mother now

Looked at. Zak's little face looked so happy as he looked at the black and white photos.

'I wonder what gender it is. I'm so excited.' Mother squealed.

'Only three weeks and we'll get to see.' My little mate sounded so excited and I was thrilled.

'Oh yeah, I came to tell you that breakfast was ready. I made your favourite, pancakes with bacon

Bits in them.' She smiled widely as Zak's face completely lit up.

'Nova, I'm hungry. I want pancakes!' He whined.

I laughed. He only had to hear the word pancakes and he was there. Even more so if they were

Filled with little bacon pieces.

As soon as Micky had finished cleaning off the gel Zak was up and on his feet, waddling as fast as

His little legs would go. We laughed which made him turn round and pout.

'What. My baby wants bacon pancakes and I'm not going to deny it pancakes!' He folded his arms

Across his chest.

'Okay, okay, madam, I'm coming.' I laughed getting up off the bed and making our way to the


'Morning son, how you feeling?' Father greeted us as we sat around the table. He and Nathan were

Already digging into their breakfast, chatting idly.

'Morning.' Zak smiled sweetly, 'I'm ok, I've got some pictures of the baby,' he said excited, holding

Them out to my father and Nathan, 'want to see?'

They both grinned and excitedly took the pictures from Zak's hands as he sat down in front of a

Plate piled full with bacon pancakes.

'Do we know the gender yet?' Nathan asked as he looked in aw at the photos.

'No, I want it to be a surprise.' My little mate mumbled through a mouthful of pancakes.

(EDITING) Under A Lonely MoonWhere stories live. Discover now