Which I happily moved, allowing it entrance. He moaned in my mouth as our tongues danced

Around each other in passion.

'God, I've missed this.' He breathed huskily as he broke the kiss, resting his forehead against mine.

'Me too.' I said as I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

'Come on, let's get you that drink and get you both back to bed. He smiled, rubbed my belly gently

Before taking my hand, leading me to the kitchen.

Once I'd drank my fill and we'd got back to the hospital bay it was close to 3 am. I yawned deeply

As I snuggled into Nova's chest, nuzzling my head in his neck. 'Love you.' I whispered before

Drifting into a dreamless sleep.

Nova's P.O.V

Hearing my little mate tell me he loves me warmed my heart. I held him tight, but not too tight, I

Didn't want him to hurt anymore than he already was. 'I love you too.' I whispered, even though I

Knew he was fast asleep. I placed a little kiss on the top of his head and settled down, falling to

Sleep easily.

I groaned as the morning sun filtered into the room. Zak moved in my arms, groaning a little

Before letting out a small whimper. I opened my eyes and looked down at his tiny frame huddled

Next to me. His forehead was wrinkled and his eyebrows were pulled together as he mumbled

Something in his sleep. I reached up and caressed his cheek, smiling when I saw him relax.

I heard the door open and close as someone walked in, yawning.

'Sshh, Micky. You'll wake Zak.' I whispered glaring at Micky as he walked up to the bed.

'Sorry.' He yawned again. 'Hows he doing? Any problems?' He asked looking down at Zak's curled

Up form, smiling gently.

'He had a bad dream and did wake up but went straight back to sleep after we got a drink.' I

Reported as I ran my fingers through my mates soft hair.

He stirred again, whimpering as he sleepily opened his eyes. 'Nova,' he whispered.

'Yea baby.'

'My tummy hurts.' He whimpered as he rubbed his swollen belly. He hadn't moved from where he

Lay, which I knew meant he was in a bit of discomfort.

'Micky's here, he'll have a look at you alright?' I cooed, gently picking him up and cradling him in

My lap. I looked up at Micky who had pulled up a chair.

'Where on you stomach does it hurt?' He asked gently. 'What sort of pain is it? Can you describe


I shifted Zak so he lay on his back on the bed with his head resting in my lap. Micky pulled his shirt

Up gently, exposing his belly. My chest grew tight as I looked down at his pale torso. Old scars

Mingled with new ones and it pained me knowing I should have prevented it.

'It hurts here,' he showed Micky by running his hand across the underside of his baby bump. 'Its

Like something's pushing against my belly.' He explained.

(EDITING) Under A Lonely MoonWhere stories live. Discover now