I panicked when the figure I saw wasn't Sam, holding my gun up at it,that thing's blood covering my clothes. The man held his hands up.

"Whoa, little girl. I won't hurt you." He said, reaching out a hand. I gulped and took it, letting him help me up. "What are you doing out so late?" He asked.


"Nellwyn!" I heard Sam's voice. I turned around and Saw him push through the trees with another man. I all but ran towards him, throwing my arms around Sam in a tight hug.

"Hold on." One of the men said as I pulled away from Sam.

"If you're a hunter..." He pointed at Sam. "Then..." He looked to me, then back to Sam. "Please tell me you came to save her." Sam was quiet. So was I. The two men exchanged looks.

"Lets...Get out of here." One of them said.

Wes at at a small diner. The two men, Jessy, who saved me. And Cesar,who saved Sam.

"Jessy? Like from that case all those years ago?" Sam asked.

"Sadly, yes." he said. Cesar put a hand on his shoulder, then looked at us.

"What I would like to know, is why do you have a kid hunting with you? Is she yours?" he asked.

"Well-"Sam started.

"Nell! Sammy!" Dean moved through the diner quickly, leaning down and inspecting me before looking Sam over. "Did you get bit? Are you hurt?" He asked both of us.

"We'refine, Dean." Sam said as Dean stood up and sighed. He pulled up a chair and sat, looking wearily at Jessy and Cesar. Cesar nodded.

"I see. She's your kid." He looked to Sam and Dean. "But how'd you get dragged into this life?" He asked them.

Dean and I seemed to note the fact that Jessy had his hand rested on Cesar's hand at the same time because as soon as I noticed, he spoke up.

"Sam and I are brothers." He explained, making the other hunting team look slightly embarrassed. "Due to some unfortunate circumstance, Nellwyn's with us." he said. The two nodded.

"A huntress?" Jessy asked me.

"I guess." I shrugged. Sam sighed.

"So...What are those things? The Chitters?" He asked. Jessy got a very hateful gleam in his eyes.

"Cicada-like creatures called Bisaan. They reappear every 27 years and use human bodies to mate with." Sam and I shivered at that. "The hosts die off once the eggs are laid and the next generation hatches underground to repeat the process." Dean made a 'what the actual Hell' face when Jessy finished.

"Jessy...Lost his brother to those things." Cesar said softly.

"So we're going to have to ask you three to leave." He said. Sam and Dean exchanged looks, I just made a confused face.

"Why?" We all asked.

We all talked for a long while, we learned a lot about Cesar and Jessy. We told them a few things about ourselves. They sympathized for me when I said:

"My family was killed by a monster that burned my house down. I wasn't there because Sam and Dean had saved me from a demon who attacked meat school." I explained.

"You poor thing..." Cesar sighed.

"It's been... Well over a year. I'm... Okay." I nodded a bit. I wasn't okay, that was plain enough to see. Jessy nodded in understanding.

"I bet you'd do anything to kill the monster that did that." He said. "Nothing in your way." He sighed, leaning back. "That'show I feel about this. They took Matty from me. I can't let that go."

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