2 = Friends Were Once Strangers, Ms. ShadowF***r

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Hello, so yeah. another chapter. I decided to continue writing and i dedicate this one to my ses @ljohannamay for sending Kik messages to me the other day, non - stop. hehe!

happy reading:)


|| C H A P T E R    T W O ||

Friends Were Once Strangers, Ms. ShadowF***r

"How am I supposed to stop this?" I shouted at my phone as the messages kept coming. A series of profanities escaped from my innocent mouth and if my mother heard all I'm currently saying right now, she will surely murder me and throw my poor body on a sinkhole. My voice grew louder than the rain as I cursed again and again the girl behind my current situation. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't even finish reading a single message because another one is popping up. I'm about to throw my cherished phone when I saw the name of the girl I wanted to grill and then be feed to the lions right now.

Jane Lee: So how are you, love? Enjoying? ;)

I could see the color red as I read her message, no, I could see the color red in whatsoever. And she added a freaking wink emoticon in the end. Are you kidding me? Me, the antisocial weird girl enjoying all of this? That's a big freaking NO. And what's with her profile picture? Seriously, the picture from our last vacation in Hawaii with her only wearing a red bikini under the sun, is she selling her body?

Me: You have no decency! How could you do this to me? And what's with your picture? Are you trying to seduce everybody on this app? Lastly, don't call me love! Love is not on my priority list at this moment. Murdering you is the only entry on my "to - do list" for the day.

I waited for seconds until I saw the words Jane Lee is typing... flashed on the screen. You better write the right words or else, Oh God, please take me away from these thoughts of murdering my bestfriend. I closed my eyes and waited for the messages from my traitorous friend. When I heard the beep sound, I hurriedly read her message, wanting to end my agony now.

Jane Lee: Are you afraid that I might attract everybody using this bloody app, and there will be nothing left to you? Girl, my profile picture has more decency and clothes than yours. :)

There's that emoticon that I really hate to see right now. Mr. Smiley Emoticon I like you and overused you for years now. I had place you at the end of every text messages I sent to my mother just for her to think that I actually enjoyed our exchanging of words, but at this precise moment, all I wanted to do is bashed my head on the floor until this nightmare will end and your happy and smiley face will turn into a frown. Wait, what did she say about my profile picture again?

Friends, ladies and gentlemen, I never knew my eyes could grow larger like a saucer, yet I swear I felt like my eyeballs were popping out from my eye sockets. I could feel my blood vessels bursting out and how bad I wanted to pull every hair on my body now. I kicked the nearby chair that caused a loud thump and then face palm myself creating a reddish imprint of my hand on my face. If I saw the red color awhile ago, well all I could see now is how I tortured Jane and offered her body to whoever wants it. Gosh, my imagination was becoming worse and vivid in every minute. Well, you can't blame me! That girl posted a FHM model with big breasts covered by her arm only! No wonder possibly every man walking on this planet called Earth, was chatting at me. They thought I was this hot, big boobies chick, when in fact, well if they see me in person, they'll be running for their lives.

I changed my profile picture hastily with a picture of an alarm clock with the name Ed as numbers one to twelve. Yes, Ed as in Ed Sheeran, the British, ginger - head singer and a second yes to the next possible question, I love that music genius and listened to his songs 24/7. Okay, you know I'm exaggerating right? But I do listen to him almost like every day because he makes me fall in love and cry at times. It's incredible when an artist knows nothing about you or how messed up your life is, yet still could write a song which captures your emotions so perfectly. And Ed Sheeran is one of those artists.Before I lose myself fan - girling at the British, ginger - head boy, I pressed the letters angrily on my phone, when my door flew open.

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