That Never Gets Old Chapter 28

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"The past few days have been so weird. We have been trying to keep in the fact that we are volunteers to a secret organization that is extremely dangerous." Isadora said to Violet while brushing out her hair before bed.

"I know, my head is ready to explode," Violet sighed. "And I miss Sunny and Beatrice so much. I hope they are okay."

"Yeah, I can't believed you were forced to send her to that school."

"Once I turn 18 we are all getting out of here and buying a home in the suburbs."

"Will you be able to pull my siblings and I out too?"

"Let's hope," Violet sayed and laughed a little.

"Yeah,  what will you be able to do without Quigley."

"Haha so funny,  that never gets old." Violet said sarcastically.

"Well it is true." Violet blushed. "You wouldn't be able to function without him."

"Well you couldn't function without Klaus," Violet pointed out. Isadora went silent realizing the truth in the statement.

"Well two days tell your 16th birthday that's exciting," Isadora said awkwardly trying to change the subject.

" Izzy you love to change the subject, don't you?"

"I'm not trying to change the subject!"

"Whatever Izzy,  goodnight." Violet turned off the light and went to bed.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I was in a bit of a writers block. Also sorry for the shortness of this chapter but I wanted to get at least a small chapter out to you guys.

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