Lemony Snicket Chapter 27

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"Was last night real Vi?"

"Abi knowing about V.F.D.? Is that what you're talking about?"

"Wait that was real!"

"Yeah, I can't believe it either." Isadora said still in shock.

Then an announcement came over the loud speaker.

"Abi Keres pleases come to the office and bring everyone else involved in the problem."

"That's us Izzy." The two girls got up and met Abi in the hallway.

"We need Fiona too," Isadora reminded them.

"Okay she actually likes me soI will go get her," Abi walked into a dorm and came out a few seconds later with Fiona.

"We need to go now," Abi insisted. We grabbed the guys from the living room and went to the office. Everyone was still in their PJ's since they called them up at 6:30 in the morning.

"How is everyone doing?" Mrs. Carr asked.

"I'm still quite confused," Duncan said honestly.

"You guys will not be in school today. I told the teachers you would be helping around the campus with me. Truthfully the leader will be coming here to talk. He will want to know everything." Mrs. Carr explained.

"Wait Lemony Snicket is going to be here?" Abi asked excitedly.

"Why do you keep freaking out about Lemony Snicket?" Quigley asked and in return got two nasty glares form Abi and Mrs. Carr. "Is he the leader?"

"Yes he is. Well for now at least. He says once Violet comes of age he wants her to take over. Also call me Ava."

"Wait, Violet isn't the oldest out of us I am," Fiona said a little offended.

"Violet is technically next in line. You are not part of V.F.D by blood like the rest of them."

"Whatever," she mumbled.

"Lemony Snicket wants to meet you guys and tell him everything about what happened on the island. And the Quagmires about the crash of your hot air balloon and what happened after. Fiona, he wants you to tell him what happened since you were separated too."

"Can we at least change first  I don't want the head of V.F.D. to see me for the first time in PJ's," Violet said kind of embarrassed in front of everyone.

"Yes, go change he is on his way," Ava said rushing them all out the door.

They all rushed out the door and through the hallways. It was weird with everyone in their PJ's. Walking into the dormitory building with their slippers on reminded the Quagmires and Baudleaires of their mansions and saying goodnight to their parents. (Even though it was morning.) They all got dressed and met in the living room. 

Violet was wearing a deep purple dress that buttoned down to the waistline and flowed out. It had a black collar, sleeve cuffs, and buttons. Isadora was wearing a flowy yellow dress. Klaus was wearing his usual sweater with a nice jacket over it. (Pretty much the outfit from ASOUE on Netflix) Duncan was wearing a nice long white shirt with a green sweater vest over. Quigley was wearing a deep blue shirt with  a black jacket over. They dressed for the ocasian. All of the kids went back Mrs. Carr's office.

"This is so weird, our whole life is once again being changed in a day." Violet said almost hysterically.

"Our lives have changed so much in the past two years or so." Quigley smiled at Violet. "It's okay, we will be fine." Quigley put his arm around Violet's shoulders to calm her down. It obviously worked.

"Okay children hurry in and sit down he is almost here." They teenagers did as so, everyone in there tree positions with Fiona and Abi sitting at the end next to Duncan. The children suddenly heard a knock from the wall behind the desk. Mrs. Carr was locking her office door.

"Violet can you swing the painting to your right and greet our guest." Violet was confused but did as she was told. The painting swung open and a tall dark-haired man was standing there. He had a powerful presence to him. He commanded your attention.

"Hello Violet, charmed to meet you." His voice was calm.

"Hello…" She shook his hand and a chill went down her spine. She sat back down next to Quigley.

"Oh Ava how nice to see you again."

"You too Lemony." He walked over to her desk and sat down in her chair.

He looked around at everyone and said, " I see we have the whole group here." He looked from one side to the other shaking everyone's hands but Violet's. "Nice to meet you all. Klaus. Isadora. Quigley." He said looking at the spot of the tripelet. "Duncan. Fiona. And Abi." Abi was obviously in shock that she just shook Lemony Snicket's hand. "I am a little busy but tell me everything that happened since you were all split apart.

Violet started off by saying, "I am not sure if you know this but Kit Snicket… is not with us anymore."

"Okay… well we come and we go," he said a little sadly but hiding his emotion. The kids started to explain everything that happened. Violet put her hand up on the desk during the middle of explaining and got a very skeptical look from Mr. Snicket.

"What is this?" He said glancing over at Quigley. The couple were both nervous but more confused. How did he know about them?

"It's a promise ring." Violet explained nervously and rushed.

"From who?"

"Me…" Quigley emitted. Lemony just stared at Quigley for a second and nodded like he was speaking in some guy code. Quigley still looked confused.

They continued explaining everything and by the time they were done it was almost lunch time.

"That is all," Violet finished.

"Okay, thank you for your time."

"No, thank you for yours." Abi said seriously.

"I will be on my way now, good to see you again Ava."

"Okay good bye…" she shook his hand and he left. She looked quite sad that he had to leave so quickly.

"Okay children you should go eat lunch now."

"Wait you want us all to leave after explaining all that, we just poured part of our lifes out to a stranger and you just want us to pretend like nothing happened!" Fiona said dramatically.

"You guys will have to pretend a lot of things didn't happen once you guys are official members of V.F.D."

"We are up to it Ava," Violet said taking charge.

Everyone looked at her but didn't question her reasoning. They followed her demands. They all walked to lunch and ate.

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