Did He Propose Chapter 25

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The girls walked into their dorm room.

Isadora istantly screamed,  "Did he propose?!?!" She pointed at Violet's finger jumping up and down a little.

"No calm down." Violet put her hands on Isadora's shoulders to keep her from jumping. "But he promised."

"Oh my God that's so cute! That kind of makes my day way less exciting."

"What happened?"

"Klaus asked me to be his girlfriend!"

"Oh awesome Izzy! Are you sure there wasn't something else?"

"What are you applying? " Isadora asked mysteriously.

"You kissed!  I knew it!  I recognized that look on Klaus's face."

"Can you read minds or something?"

"No, just faces." Both of the girls laughed, sat down on their beds and started talking. They headed down to the tree to meet up with the guys. Marissa came with them which was fine. They liked Marissa she was cool. They avoided Abi in the game room and went down to the tree.

The couples all sat next to each other. Duncan caught glimpse of Violet's ring. Violet saw this and explained.

"Quigley got me a promise ring we aren't engaged." Duncan nodded a little sad but happy that they weren't getting married. Just yet.

They headed down to the auditorium for the concert. Violet and Quigley were holding hands. This caught someone's attention.

"Awww holding hands on Valentines Day, how cute," Abi sneered. She looked at their hands and saw the ring. "What is on your finger?  You can't get married at such a young age!"

"Oh we certainly can if we have permission from our guardian. And we do," Quigley lied.

"What… what he means is yes we are getting married." Violet explained.

"You cakesniffers can't do that!  Everyone will here about this." Abi started to stomp off.

"Wow!  You are really naive. We aren't getting married," Quigley laughed.

"This is a promise ring he got me for Valentines Day." A frown appeared on Abi's face. She had nothing to spread rumors about now.

"Whatever!  You will still have some explaining to do for the teachers."

"We know," Violet said starting to walk again with Quigley.

They finished the concerts and went to their dormitories.

"Abi is so annoying," Violet said still irritated.

"I know Vi, I get it. She probably thinks your annoying too."

"Well she is the one who picks on me, I just stick up for myself. And so does Quigley."

"Well we kind of have bigger problems than Abi."

"Well besides the fact that out parents are dead and we are away from Sunny and Beatrice what problems?"

"V.F.D. we haven't talked about that since you got back. That seems like a big problem."

"What are we supposed to do about that here Izzy? And what if there are people here who know about it?"

"They would have confronted us. We are Quagmires and Baudelaires. Our names are famous to V.F.D."

"We can't be sure about that. But your point is true V.F.D. might not even know all of those people are dead, including Count Olaf."

Then a loud knock came at the door making them jump. Violet went and opened it. It was Abi.

"Violet I know you don't like me but I REALLY need to come in," Abi said extremely seriously.

"Okay what's wrong?" Violet asked concerned.

"He's dead?  Like really dead?" Abi asked.

"Who are you talking about?" Isadora asked glancing over at Violet.

"Count Olaf."

"How do you know…"

"My parents are part of V.F.D. too. I'm sorry I've been rude to you but it was part of a disguise. My parents didn't know whether to trust you or not when I told them you were here."

"Yes he's dead. He died from a harpoon gun shot."

"Who shot it?"

"A man on an island named Ishmael."

"I heard you guys say others died too, who else."

"Wait were you listening to our conversation," Isadora interrupted."

"Not now Izzy. Abi, how can we trust you?"

"Well… I am a very well read person. For example I know that xenial means having hospitality for a guest or to give gifts."

"Why should we trust you based on that?" Isadora asked sceptically.

"Isadora this may sound stupid but that was the same reason and example Quigley gave us to trust him. We did and do you see where we are now." Isadora gave Violet a confused look but let her talk anyways. "So many others died. Jacques and Kit Snicket, Captain Widdershins, not from V.F.D. but Carmelita. And so, so many others."

"Oh… wait wasn't Kit pregnant?"

"Yes.  She gave birth before she died though. Her daughter Beatrice is in a boarding daycare with Sunny now."

"Well we need to get this to V.F.D. immediately. We need to leave with all of you guys. V.F.D. will come get us we just need to call them."

"None of us can leave Mr. Poe won't let us. Not until I'm 18 at least."

"Maybe we can get someone to come here then. You need to talk to them now. Let's go call them." Abi grabbed Violet and Isadora's hands and pulled them out of the dorm room. Down the stairs and to the phone. She was ready to drop everything and leave right there and then.

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