No Punishment Chapter 24

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They two children walked back to the cafeteria when the heard a familiar voice above them. No it is not Count Olaf it was Mrs. Carr.

"Abi Keres please come to the office." She started to the office and saw Quigley and Violet.

"What punishment did you cakesniffers get?"

"Less than you will," Violet smirked.

"What? You didn't get a punishment?" She half screamed.

"Yep nothing," Quigley replied.

"No waaaayyyyy! You two kissed that's not allowed!" She stomped away angrily.

They met back in the cafeteria and told the others the good news. Of course they walked in holding hands. They were not nervous anymore.  They weren't in trouble and a little picking on was nothing new.

"No trouble for us," Violet said happily.

"That's great and interesting, but back to our topic. What is everyone doing for Valentine's Day?"

"Well we have school tomorrow but we can do something afterwards… Violet and I not all of us."

And you Klaus?" Isadora asked anxiously.

"I am just going to hang out with my valentine."

That was a really indecisive answer. Who was his valentine? Was it Isadora or Fiona? ALL of them were wondering this, even Klaus.

"Oh okay," Isadora said hopefully and sighed.

"What are you doing Dunc?" Quigley asked feeling bad.

"Oh hanging with Marissa, I guess." He gave a stern look at Isadora which confused Violet and Quigley.

Again with the rest of the day 4th period with the mirror making. Lunch with Marissa not Fiona. They met at the tree did homework and went to their dormitories to rest.

"So what's going on with Duncan and you," Violet questioned Isadora.

"What do you mean? "

"I mean it seemed like he was hanging out with Marissa because of you. " Violet pointed her index finger at Isadora.

"Well I may have SUGGESTED that they should hook up together."

"Suggested,  uh huh."

"I mean I just want them to hook up for everyone's good."

"Well it seems you strongly influenced it but whatever I guess."

"It's fine he is starting to like Marissa. Can we get onto a different topic?"


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