Can't Sleep

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    She was trapped. Emily was stuck in a dark room, closed on all but one side. The one side that was open was too dark to see in, and was blocked by bars. All of a sudden, a voice all too familiar started talking. "You'll never make it out," said the voice, "And even if you do your friends won't be as lucky. So much for being a Xan. Your existence has caused more trouble for the Olympians than without you. You will be their downfall and end. You can't run from it, Emily." Her head was swimming and she didn't know which way was rightside up. Her vision started to fade. "Remember this, Emily," the voice said one last time, "You will be the end of the Olympians." Just then, she blacked out.

      Emily bolted upright in her bed. She was drenched with sweat. It was only a dream, she told herself, A dream that felt all too real for my likings. Looking outside, she figured she couldn't have slept for more than 3 hours. Ugh, she thought. Emily did the only logical thing to do, considering she probably wasn't going to go back to sleep, she was going to find Pegasus. Her day had been full of surprises already, but where she found Pegasus was the biggest of all. Pegasus was down in the jail where they had stayed after they were captured by Hyperion. "Pegs," Emily said in a quiet voice, "Pegs, what are you doing down here?" Pegasus turned around, "Hello, pet." Emily was startled by the voice of Pegasus, she hadn't quite gotten used to it yet. "Was it something I said?" Pegasus asked. "No, uh," Emily took a deep breath, "No. I'm sorry. It's just that I'm so used to you not talking, it kind of startles me when you do." Startled is an understatement, Emily thought to herself, A talking horse with wings, I mean really, why not? "Do you know where Joel and Paelen are?" Emily asked Pegasus. "Last that I heard, they were both where they should be, in their rooms, unlike you. But before you go, pet, think about what time it is before barging into their rooms and waking them up. Be careful, Joel has a silver arm, there's no telling what he can do if startled." "Thank you, Pegs," Emily said and she was off. Just the beginning of another crazy day.


Sorry for the short chapters. I'm trying, I really am, this is the best I can do. Thank you so much for reading this fanfic, I really appreciate it. I know I say it a lot, but I mean it. Stay tuned for more updates. The next one will be Wednesday.


The VoiceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora