Welcome Back

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        Emily rolled out of bed and looked at her alarm clock. 8:00am. Ugh. She thought, I should still be in bed. Picking up her blankets and putting them neatly on her bed, she looked around. Same old apartment building that she lived in yesterday. Silently, she walked into the kitchen. Finding the cabinet with her favorite cereal, Emily poured herself a bowl. The New York skyline sure is pretty at sunrise, she sighed to herself. After eating breakfast, she then decided to go on a walk, resisting the urge to go and crawl back into bed. So she ran down the stairs, because, why wait for the elevator, and walked out into the blinding sunlight. You might think with all the skyscrapers Emily would feel small, but that wasn't the case for the small brunette. Letting her feet guide her she walked past another apartment with none other than that runaway foster kid. Joel DeSilva, she remembered his name from her English teacher who had given him detention in the middle of class. Joel must have seen her, because he had a sour look on his face, like he'd just eaten a lemon that he thought was an apple. She ignored him. If you don't like me, then you shouldn't waste your time making faces at me, she lectured to him in her head. Suddenly, as if by magic, she found herself at the edge of the woods. Why am I here? Emily thought, panicked. Then a voice started calling her. Not one of anyone she knew, but one that had an undertone, almost as if too many people were speaking at once.

Just then, she woke up screaming.


Sorry for the cliffhanger. Once again, thank you for reading my story, and I'll try to update as fast as possible.


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